Chapter 1- Go Catch Mate!

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All rights remain to the people who wrote them or sung them!!!

^what Bo looks like in the story.^

^what ty sounds like playing his guitar and singing 'die a happy man'^

Bo's pov-

"C'mon girl!" I was running through a field on one of my horses.

I slowed her down when we we coming to the edge of our land mark. At this place there is a huge pond and it's just beautiful. I tied the reigns to the saddle horn and let her graze. I laid down in the tall grass.

The other side of the land also has a pond. I never see anyone though. Then again that land has been ours but we recently sold it to our alpha. I don't know why. I was at a rodeo at the time.

I always come here to play my guitar or just find some peace and quiet. To enjoy life as sounds of nature surrounds nature. But today, I didn't bring my guitar.

After about 15 minutes I heard a horse neigh.

I stayed down silently as it got quiet. I heard a guitar start to play as I heard a male voice sing the song 'Die A Happy Man'.

I listened to him slowly sitting up. I looked to where the noise was coming from. It was a guy about my age playing a guitar. If I do say so my self, he's pretty good.

I stood up as he was getting ready to leave. "Hey! You are a really good singer!!" I yelled. He looked at me and smiled. I got on my horse and road back home.


I got back home, untacked and washed Joy down. "Good girl Joy." I patted her on the neck and put her in her stall.

I walked to my house to see the alpha and Luna in our kitchen.

"Howdy." I tipped my hat to them and ran upstairs to get ready to go camping.

Bailey and I are goin camping before school starts. We're just having girls day. Except there's no makeup, nail polish, hair curlers, no malls. Nope just us, fishing rods, our horses, and a tent, and the great outdoors. That is what we call girls day.

I grabbed a small bag and packed my canteen, pair of shorts, different pair of clothes, my pocket knife, working gloves, and a black sports bra, and a pair of cut off jean shorts. Just in case we go swimming.

After I was done packing I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs.

Right before I was outside my dad mom called for me. "Bo, can you come here and meet the alphas son and his friend." My mother asked in a soft but demanding voice.

"Nope. Sorry! Baileys waiting for me!! Maybe when I get back or something! Bye love you!!" With that I ran put the door. I couldn't get that smell I smelt out of my head.

My wolf Serenity was screaming the word, 'Mate!! Go back to mate!'

The thing is, I'm not ready for a mate. Yes, I want one but.. I don't know I just don't feel ready. I just went to the barn and got my trail riding horse.

"Howdy Scout. Ready to see your old friend buster?" I asked patting his nose.

I took him out of his stall and tacked him up. I mounted scout just as I saw the two guys, Luna and Alpha walked out, along with my parents. "Bye. Sorry. But I'm having a camping trip." I said trotting over to them. I looked down at my watch. "Sorry. I have to go." I looked up to see Bailey galloping down the road. I tipped my hat and took one last glance at the alphas son.

"See ya'll at school tomorrow. Nice re-meetin' ya'll." I ran to the road where Bailey was waiting.

"You ready?" She asked.

I smiled. "I'm always ready for camping."

We road off to where I was earlier today. Once we got everything ready we changed to go swimming. I put on my black sports bra and my cut off jean shorts. I ran over to the rock. There was this long rope that was tied to a small tree. I untied it and stepped back a little bit. I ran and clung to the rope.

"Wooooohooooo!!! Cannon ball!!!! I yelled at the too of my lungs dropping into the cold water. When I came Bailey was swinging off, nearly landing on me.

We laughed that's how it went for the rest of the day till it was about 9:30 p.m.

We got out of the water and dried off by the fire we started. We soon fell asleep next to the fire.

Xander's pov-

we got to the betas ranch and as soon as I got out of my dodge pickup I smelt this wonderful. It was watermelon and rain.

I walked up to the house with my best friend, Zac. The smell just kept getting stronger and stronger. We knocked on the door and waited. The beta female opened the door and let us in. "Mom, dad" I took off my hat as I walked inside. I looked around at the photos.

"This is my son, Xander, and his best friend, Zac." My father introduce us. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Bo, can you come here and meet the alphas son and his friend?" Her mother said in a soft demanding voice.

She shook her head. "Nope. Sorry! Baileys waiting for me!! Maybe when I get back or something!! Bye! Love you!" The girl i saw earlier in the field dashed out the door.

My wolf was yelling 'MATE! RUN! GO CATCH MATE!!' He demanded. I was about to go chase after her.

"I'm so sorry. How 'bout this. Ya'll come for dinner tomorrow and she'll be here and so will her friend Bailey." Her mother smiled.

We nodded and went outside. As we were walking out I saw I think her name is Bo, on a black horse. she turned and looked at us and trotted over to us.

"Sorry. I have to go." She said as she looked towards the road. She looked amazing on that black stallion quarter horse. I looked towards where she was and I saw a girl on a pure white quarter horse.

"See ya'll at school tomorrow. Nice re-meetin' ya'll." She smiled that beautiful smile before riding off. She look amazing in her outfit.

She was wearin' a white tank top, old wholy wranglers, a cow skin belt, and a straw hat.

"We'll see ya'll at dinner tomorrow."


Hey thanks for reading my book. I really hope ya'll like it.


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