You were found guilty. (Chapter 2)

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It's been two months since the 'inncident'. I got the house burned down and I started living with Jade. They postponed the court date until today. I put on my blue dress, black stockings, black heels, a necklace, my coat and purse. All the girls wore the same as me except Perrie's dress was red, Leigh's was purple, and Jade's was black. We all got into the car without a word and the whole car ride was a comfortable silence. Just as I was dozing off, we arrived at the court. I walked in and sat in my rightful spot with my lawyer and the girls sat in the row behind me and Jade sat in the witness speaker's seat. "Bring in the prisioner." Judge Paulo yelled. Paul walked out in an all orange jumpsuit and handcuffs on his wrists. He sat down next to his lawyer and I glared at him. "Okay. May the defendant, Jessica Louise Nelson, please stand." I stood as did my lawyer. "What exactly happened?" I told her the whole story with a few objections from Paul's lawyer. "Jade Amelia Thirwall please explain your side of the story." She spilled the story from her point of view and I started getting teary, remembering the memory. She finished and Paul's lawyer began defending him. I completely and utterly believe that all he is  saying is a load of bull crap. Everything he is saying is lies! "I have evidence!" I blurted out. Judge Paulo called me up. I got behind her desk and slipped off my coat showing all my scars and bruises. I slid up my dress showing all my scars on my legs. She nodded before speaking. I went back to my seat. "Paul Anthony Terbet please place your right hand on the book." He placed his right hand. "Recite the vow without stopping and say Bible afterward." He started saying the vow until he stopped. "Hesitation. I'm sorry, Johnathan (Paul's lawyer), Paul has been found guilty due to lack of vow memory and evidence." She spoke before nodding to me. I grabbed Paul's wrists and locked them into the cuffs behind his back. They dragged him away. "Case Closed. May everyone leave?" Judge asked before leaving. I gathered up with Jade, Perrie, and Leigh. As we walked out, I burst into tears. The problem about this situation was that there was no "Case Closed" for me. I still love Paul no matter what he's done to me. I just can never forgive him. Jade hugged me tight and we all joined in a group hug. 

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