Chapter 1

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It was a warm summer's evening, the sun just touching the hills in the horizon as the sky melted into a pink and orange tone. Hinata smiled, took a deep breath and felt refreshing air fill his lungs. The wind rustled, and the trees replicated it's invisible movements. Hinata felt so happy, so, so undeniably, profusely happy. He reached a hand out towards the sun, clenching the air gently as if he were holding it. The sun was a volleyball, and he was itching for the feeling of a spike.

Kageyama watched him for a little while, his little face, smiling and happy, what an idiot. Though he wasn't sure who the real idiot was in this situation, really. Kageyama liked to think he was in sync with Hinata, his most entrusted team member. He also liked to think he knew what was going on in that crazy spiker brain, and that he could tell what Shouyou was thinking- how he was feeling. It made him feel like a better setter, but most of all it made him feel closer to Hinata. There was a certain something that felt so undeniably charming to be the one who was closest to the middle-blocker, and it only left Tobio subconsciously trying even harder.

Though, this time it wasn't really all that hard. His movements were easy enough to read, and if that brilliant, shining expression didn't scream 'let me play volleyball' then Kageyama didn't know what else could. Tobio had picked up on the fact this this small, yet extravagant boy would glimmer and dazzle, as though he were the human embodiment of the sun. It worked, in a sense. He was really annoying to look at- maybe he could consider it hurting his eyes sometimes. His excitement was just too bright. But he was also warm and large, not by height; but by personality and talent, a relentless heart that could never quite quit.

"Dumbass, this road trip is so we can take a break from volleyball, not spend even more time practicing!" Kageyama interrupted his tranquil moment with a quick "whack" on the head, followed by a chuckle from Tsuukishima and a giggling Yamaguchi. Low muttering could be heard from behind the duo, but the pair didn't bother to turn around and defend themselves.

Obviously, Tsukishima had made some sort of snarky remark. Maybe this time he had said how stupid the pair were, maybe how they were volleyball-obsessed idiots, or had he brought up the time they failed their exams? They were delinquents. Scrubs. King and shrimp. They'd heard it all, and learned to let Tsukki have his little sarcastic comments.

Kageyama turned towards Hinata, the smaller one now rubbing softy where he had been hit. "Ooooow Kageyama! There was no need to hit me!" Hinata yelled in slight annoyance, though for an unknown reason he could never stay mad at Kageyama for too long. It was something he had learned to accept right off the bat. Even though his partner was grumpy by default, a mean, often-angry setter- Hinata felt it was always unfair to stay too mad at Kageyama for too long. Sure, he had had fights with him along the line, and be had held his ground. But somewhere inbetween Hinata would always find himself giving in, even apologizing in some cases.

And as though they appeared from the back of a big van that held their luggage on que, out came the rest of the team, calling the four first years over towards the gym entrance. Tsukishima supposed they had heard the ruckus, and could only wear a smug face as Daichi threw a stern look in the freak duo's direction.

But forget all that, today was the day they would embark on a new adventure as a team! And Shouyou couldn't be any more impressed, the mention of a road trip had sounded so blissful to him. All these years Hinata had longed for a team, people who were just as passionate, those who also longed for their feet to remain on the court- to keep that feeling fresh. And what better way to build up a team's friendship further than a roadtrip? The third years had been the one to suggest it, obviously, and had somehow managed to convince Kiyoko to come. Sugawara's bribe had been that she needed to protect her dear kouhai, poor manager Yachi. What would happen if she got lost; all alone?

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