Chapter 3

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Kageyama was in a match. It was tough, he had no idea what the team that they were facing was called though. He just knew they were a troublesome opponent. There was a large crowd. Though he couldn't make out anyone specific, he could see flashing lights and hear a muffle of noise. Sweat trickled down his cheeks, dripping off his chin along with an uneven, unsteady breath. Arriving on their side of the court, the ball was tossed and kept in above-gound-level by his reliable teammates. The ball had arrived in his hands, with Hinata already in the air. It felt natural, but at the same time odd, as he flicked the ball into Hinata's grasp. Within seconds he heard the familiar "Thwack" echo across the halls, resulting in the crowd exploding with excitement. Scoring another point, the two cheered, absolutely ecstatic. This, this was what they loved so much! The feeling of winning together. "Kageyama! Look! We did it!" Hinata grinned, and as usual there seemed to be the hopeful and enthusiastic arua around him. Hinata looked to the side, where Asahi was ruffling Noya's hair to praise him. The two had been on a roll this match, Kageyama could tell. "Praise me Kageyama, too!" He smiled, tilting his head a little in Kageyama's direction. It made Kageyama flustered, but why? He obliged, and patted Hinata's head, ruffling his hair just as Asahi had done. He smiled at Hinata, the orange hair against his hand was now messy.

Suddenly, the entire scenario changed. Something that often happened in dreams, where the setting and scenario would change rapidly but it would all seem so normal until the heavy sleeper woke. They were in a park, just the two of them; Hinata and Kageyama. It was quiet and nobody else seemed to be about, as they were sat on a tall hill. The wind was gentle and a large tree above was shading them from strong sun rays. Hinata turned to Kageyama with a softer expression that he would occasionally get a glimpse of. It was short, sweet and all around adorable. "Kageyama, I'm tired," Hinata whined, resting his head against Kageyama's lap and lying down. It happened so naturally, the closeness of the two seemed like nothing out of the ordinary. Kageyama opened his mouth, speaking softly "Hinata.. I..."

Kageyama woke up.
Reflecting on his dream with a semi-concious mind, there was no conclusion Kageyama could come to. It had all seemed a little.. Strange. But he chose not to pay too much attention to it, a dream was just an illusion of the mind, after all.

He checked his phone under his thin pillow for the time, it read "7:46am". He sighed, everyone else would be waking up soon. His dream was rather peculiar, but he didn't want to think about it. Dreams were just dreams. They didn't mean anything. They weren't real. Kageyama rolled onto his stomach and scrolled through his phone, and looked through his gallery. He paused, turning to see if Hinata was still asleep. Chuckling, he opened his camera and took a picture of the sleeping Hinata, with a small amount of drool coming out the side of his mouth and messy bed hair. He then looked through the rest of his pictures, the faint light of his phone illuminating his face and a small area around him. Most were pictures of him and Hinata. Or just Hinata. And it seemed that the ones he liked most usually or entirely contained the orange-headed spiker. Kageyama was never bothered to delete any, and so occasionally he would come across large spams of photos by other teammates pulling silly faces. That's what happens when you leave your phone unlocked around the volleyball club Kageyama thought with a small grin.

Hinata seemed happy when he was around Kageyama. In the pictures he was always smiling, Kageyama noticed. Or perhaps that was because people normally smiled during pictures. Either way, the two had certainly grown to like eachother as friends, whether they knew it of not. But there had always been something else, something that seperated what they had from most friendships that neither could put their finger on. Both chose not to let it bother them, refusing to explore what might or might not be somthing more.

At 8am Kageyama woke Hinata up. His hazed and groggy expression almost made Kageyama want to laugh at him. The ginger sat up, yawning quietly. Kageyama was focused on his mobile, still flicking through the gallery. Hinata, making use of the lack-of-concentration, snatched the phone out of the other's hand and quickly spammed him with several pictures. These blurry photos eventually included Kageyama attempting to reach and grab the phone "Give it back!" Kageyama grumbled, "Dumbass," he remarked as he scrolled through the fifty added photos on his camera roll. "And morning to you too,'" Hinata nodded, looking down, a little surprised he was still in his clothes from yesterday. "I didn't change?" He said quietly with a confused tone. Kageyama shook his head and stood up, "You fell asleep outside on the grass. I had to carry you in, you're lucky nobody saw, stupid." He rolled his eyes, turning away from Hinata to walk out the door. "Better pack up, we leave in an hour." Kageyama added, before walking out of the room towards the hall where breakfast was being held. Hinata was suprised, he hadn't expected Kageyama to carry him and tuck him in so nicely. He wished he had been awake at the time, and wondered what it had felt like, being close enough to hear his heartbeat.

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