Chapter 9

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There was a deathly silence afterwards, the waves filling in for their unspoken thoughts. The sun was almost above the sea, and the sky was a light shade of blue. It was the perfect summer's morning, and if it weren't for their disputes, Kageyama and Hinata would be enjoying themselves.

"So.." Kageyama trailed off. It was unusual for him to be the one to initiate conversation with Hinata, normally it would be the other way around. Kageyama had no practice in this at all. He opened his mouth and thought for a moment, before saying "Hinata, I..." But got cut off by smaller boy.

"Don't," He said without a shake, an expression nor any sign of humanity at all. It was like the entire scenario had shifted and Kageyama somehow felt smaller and weaker than him. Kageyama couldn't see his eyes, they were looking straight ahead. Hinata almost looked lost, lost to the point where he couldn't find himself anymore. "Just let me think about things and I'll come back to you like normal again, okay? I promised myself I'd get over you." Hinata wouldn't take his eyes off of the sea, staring into the dark ocean. He refused to look Kageyama in the face; it would only make him reconsider. You're doing the right thing, his mind was telling him, You're doing this for Kageyama. And once you're over him you can hang out as normal again! He smiled inwardly at the thought. There was nothing he wanted more than to spike one of Kageyama's immaculate tosses. But he liked it here, it was calm and peaceful. Nobody could interrupt him.

Kageyama knew he shouldn't push Hinata, not today. He would just have to find some other way to get the message across. "I'm just gonna.. go," He mumbled, standing up and walking away slowly. He turned back to look and see if Hinata had done the same. Normally, when leaving after going home together, the two would look back over their shoulders one last time. Occasionally, their eyes would meet, followed by a series of embarrassed faces and tinted cheeks. But not this time. This time Kageyama was met with the back of Hinata's head, the feiry hair rustling in the summer breeze. He pushed his way through the bushes and tight spaces again, appearing back in their camp area. Amongst the loud noise he could hear talk about leaving, and their next destination. Kageyama needed more time, specifically here.

He walked over, tugging on Daichi's thin shirt and asking him to talk privately. Daichi looked confused for a moment, but obliged after recieving a nod from Sugawara. Kageyama could see it now, the softer tone that the two used with one another. The loving looks, the gentle gazes, the brushes of affection. It was a wonder that he hadn't seen it before. "What's wrong, Kageyama?" Daichi asked, concerned. "Feeling homesick?" They spoke in hushed tones, just a little away from their 'camp', sheltered by the shade of several looming trees. "No, it's not that. I'd just like a little more time here, if you understand what I mean.." Daichi took a moment to understand, remembering what Sugawara had told him that morning.

"So, Hinata and Kageyama like one another? I thought that was obvious," Daichi had chuckled. "No, no, it's a bit more complicated than that. I spoke to Kageyama this morning, he seemed really upset at their argument. Though something tells me it'll work out for the two." Sugawara had smiled while making his sleeping bag. "Kageyama knows he's at fault, but he'll think of something sooner or later, and that's rather sweet."

"Ah, I see. We'll leave tomorrow morning, then. But after that we'll have to go." Daichi warned him, but patted him on the back gently before leaving. "Suga and I have faith in you two!" He called back, before running over to gather the group together.

He called everyone in, Hinata had returned and was messing around with Nishinoya, Ennoshita and Tanaka, of whom he had taken a recent liking to. Sugawara clapped his hands together and it fell silent, "We'll be leaving tomorrow instead," This was greeted with a few groans of disappointment, people aching to go somewhere new. "But.. that's only because we'll be spending today at the beach Daichi discovered!" This, this was followed by an astounding cheer, loud mutters of intrigue and ideas. The beach was known to the two parental figures the entire time, and now seemed like a good opportunity to make it all sound very casual and planned. "So pack up your things, we'll be heading just down there," He paused to point just down the cliff that they were on, to a deserted strip of long, sandy beach. "And we'll probably spend the night down there, too! So make sure to be ready by lunch," Karasuno burst into life, ecstatic as they sprung up and took down their tents, packing their things and doing a final sweep over the area. Daichi turned, to wink at a dazed Kageyama. They were so smooth, so compatible. It was as if Sugawara and Daichi shared their thoughts. And Kageyama sighed, it was exactly what he wanted. The smooth relationship, the feeling of a special closeness without needing to say anything.

Later that day, the team together headed down the grassy cliff, with Daichi leading at the front and Sugawara close behind him. All of them were in swimshorts and some wore thin vests, the summer heat was all too much. When they finally made it to the empty beach, everyone dashed ahead, dropping their stuff in one spot and sprinting towards the warm sea. The sand kicked back behind their dashing feet, and water spurted up into the air as it came up to their ankles. Excited, many went as far as up to their thighs, wanting to make sure they had room to splash. The water was warm, so warm that it felt comfortable at first touch. The sun glazed over it, reflecting it's heat. Tsuuki had chosen to stay behind, listening to music and laying against the sand underneath an umbrella. But, with some determined persuasion, Daichi had gotten him to head out and mess about in the ocean too. That was after, of course, Sugawara had proposed he wear suncream and smothered him in it. Minutes later, Sugawara and Daichi were walking down the beach towards them after organising their bags on an extra large picnic blanket. "Look!" Nishinoya paused, pointing with a grin, "Mom and Dad are joining in," He teased, followed by a few laughs and raised expressions from the two. "What?" Tanaka shrugged with a cheeky smile, "You two act like our parents, y'know," Everyone laughed loudly, while Ennoshita came up behind them and tried to shush them. "Now, now.. guys.." He stuttered, but suddenly both third years sprinted in, splashing water powerfully at the three, getting them drenched. "Power of third years!" They yelled, high-fiving one another with large, dorky smiles.

Progressively, the team had retreated to the blanket, either tired or hungry. Luckily, Asahi, Nishinoya and their two lovely managers had taken time to pack a healthy lunch. "Kiyoko-saaaaaan! Yaaaachi-Saaaan!" Tanaka remarked blissfully after a bite into his sandwhich, "It tastes like heaven!" Tsuuki had tutted at this, with Tanaka loudly yelling back, "Oi! Appreciate Kiyoko-san's food!" Asahi and Nishinoya pulled a blank, not even bothering to mention that Kiyoko had actually prepared everything but the sandwhiches, seeing as the two knew what each team member preferred. "Say, Sugawara, could we play some volleyball?" Hinata looked pleadingly into Sugawara's eyes, smiling. "Ah, I can't say no when you're looking at me like that! Go on, there should be everything you'll need in that bag over there. I'm sure Daichi will help with you." He chuckled, watching Daichi walk with Hinata, who was jumping up and down enthusiastically. Moments later, Hinata was dashing down the sand at full speed, carrying the small net and a volleyball, while Daichi followed with two stands to hold up the net.

Hinata took a long, good gulp of water, sweat forming on his forhead. He had been playing volleyball against the heat for a good two hours. It felt liberating. There was nothing he needed more to clear his mind than volleyball. He was on Sugawara's team, which meant that he wouldn't be spiking any of Kageyama's serves. Though he thought that would be best, it didn't seem like they would work out today. After winning the last set, he collapsed back on the sandy beach, sighing heavily. "Ah, it's so hot.." He whined, before getting back on his feet and sitting on the shaded picnic blanket. The large umbrella shaded a good half of the material, and Hinata could really go for a nap in the shade. "Tired?" Daichi laughed, before handing him another bottle from the ice box they had brought. "I think it's about time we all just calmed down for a bit and started a fire, anyway. The sun's beginning to set." He said, looking off into the distance, beyond the sea and towards the clouds. Soon after, they had all sat together and discussed night plans. Everyone was reaching through their bags, pitching up tents once the coast had gone in as far as it would. They were still a safe distance away, but the weather and ocean looked so calm that nothing would likely happen. A few had gone off to collect large, dry sticks to begin a fire to roast marshmellows with.

Just before I forget, I'm open to do many other 'Haikyuu!!' Or 'Free!' Fanfictions or one shots. (I don't know if it was obvious but I'm a sports anime meme) So please request in the comments if you'd like, or message me! I usually accept most pairings :)

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