Chapter 11

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They were standing a few feet apart, Kageyama hadn't gotten the guts to turn around and face him just yet. He processed the question for a moment, it felt as if his mind was lagging. "I, I wanted to talk," He remarked, rather obviously. Hinata nodded, replying half-heartedly, "Yeah, I figured that much," Making Kageyama roll his eyes, but Hinata couldn't see it. "I guess I just wanted to say... Sorry?" He asked, making Hinata confused.

"Don't make it sound like a question! Just tell me what you want to say, I'll hear all of it!" Hinata said loudly with rosy cheeks, a hand on his chest as if he had made a solemn promise. A breeze flew over them, making their clothes tilt to a side, their hair followed the same direction. Kageyama sighed, blurting out helplessly, "Dumbass, Okay! Okay! It's just difficult to figure out what I want to say and how to say it I-" But Hinata shook his head, and finally felt like he was on level ground with Kageyama, for the first time in a long while.

"I know." Hinata said strongly, he wanted Kageyama to know that he understood.

Kageyama knew he had to tell Hinata everything; from what was on his mind to how he felt. "I never meant what I said, you know- at the hotel," Kageyama's voice, unusually, was wavering a little, unlike the normal stoic sound it usually made. "A-A-And, I regretted it, every single word. And since then I'd spent a long time thinking; about you and, about... Well, you even more," He stated with an embarrassed waver, but continued as he finally got to the point, "I hurt you, and you wouldn't look me in the eye. And it was then that I realized how lost I felt without you being there. Please forgive me.. for making you feel upset and angry and every other horrible thing. It was all my fault." Slowly, one step at a time, Kageyama turned round, his eyes met Hinata's in an instant, staring solidly. "I'm so sorry,"

The moon was bringing light to both of their faces, and the sea behind Kageyama just looked like an extended version of the sky. There were no clouds in the summer here, and all that could be heard was their heavy breath. They were trapped in time, an endless stand-off, arms by their sides. Never did they once look away. The trees and bushes rustled, the grass created ripples as the wind blew through it. There were flowers dotted about on the floor, neatly scattered in small groups across the clearing.

Hinata trembled, his lip quiverred a little and his nose scrunched up slightly. He couldn't help himself, it had been so long for him. He was very much overwhelmed, tears welling up in a situation where there was definitely no need to cry. "K-Kageyama!" He stuttered, beggining to walk towards the taller boy, but progressively turning into a jog, which then transformed into a needy run.


What was he doing?

Kageyama had only apologised for what he had said. Hugging him right now would still weird him out, as Kageyama hadn't mentioned liking Hinata that way. Besides, there was no way he could risk it.

After reconsidering, Hinata's face went red as he halted to a stop, freezing up. He was about ten inches away from tackling Kageyama and giving him a large bear hug, it was something Hinata felt he definitely needed himself, at least. The wind that had rushed through his hair came to a standstill, and a small path of flattened grass loosely made out his route. Kageyama had been shocked at first, Hinata had ran so quickly he had had no time think at all. But after processing the situation halfway through, Kageyama felt no need for words. He looked down silently, noting that Hinata was staring at his feet, shuffling akwardly in embarrassment. For someone who had just been incredibly angry and upset at Kageyama, he had forgiven the setter quite quickly. And for that, Kageyama was grateful.

He was grateful to have Hinata trust him 100%.

Kageyama placed a welcoming hand around Hinata, and shoved him closer, wrapping the other arm around him. Hinata stared blankly, his heart beat so fast and his head spun so quickly, he thought he might just explode. But he listened, hearing Kageyama's heart thumping the same. It soothed Hinata greatly, and they just stood there for a long, but happy moment, taking it in. Kageyama felt something run down his shirt, and noticed small, slow tears travel down Hinata's face. Using his smaller hands, Hinata gripped onto Kageyama's shirt, not wanting to seperate from his setter. "Why are you crying? Dumbass," Kageyama remarked, but used the term loosely and without full meaning. He didn't want to ruin the apology with something as silly as that. This made Hinata giggle, and the little emotional tears ceased-to-be. "Sorry-haha-I'm just happy," Kageyama couldn't help but massively smile, like, it was probably the dorkiest smile ever. Hinata looked up at this, eyes shining, as he traced his thumb over the edges of his soft lips, cupping Kageyama's chin with his small hand. "You look nice when you smile like that," He remarked, with a cheesy grin, but his face dropped again. "A-ah-sorry-I said I would stop-Sorry-" He stuttered, a worried and incredibly fustered expression returned to his face. He didn't want to lose Kageyama again, not now, not ever. But instead Kageyama laughed, it was the first time Hinata had ever heard Kageyama laugh so happily. The laughter made Hinata feel more reassured than rejected. It was a pure and happy sound.

They both wore small blushes on their faces, returning to one another's eyes.

Kageyama took the initiative, grabbing one of Hinata's hands and holding it up, while the other slid round his waist. He pulled him closer, and began to move, while Hinata followed instinctively. After a few minutes, they set a comfortable pace, doing what Hinata assumed was dancing. "Kageyama- what are we doing?" He asked softly, resting his head against his chest. Kageyama stopped, looking down, and then to the side in embarrassment, "D-Dancing-stupid-" He muttered, as Hinata replied; "I knew that, but, we have no music. You can't dance without music," He said, bringing a challenge to Kageyama. The setter sighed heavily, but obliged, and began to hum. Hinata was taken aback, the sound of Kageyama's tune was so lovely, and he knew he recognized it somewhere. "What song is this?" Hinata asked as the moved back and forth, side to side, all in a peaceful tranquillity. "It's your favourite song, the one that you said reminds you of volleyball, silly," He teased. Kageyama knew Hinata loved this song, and had chosen it because he remembered having listened to Hinata talk about it for hours on end. Though he didn't personally like it, he had changed it to a more lullaby-ish tune, making it lovely to listen to for both of them. Kageyama looked off to the sky. "I may have lied, I liked the song because it reminded me of you," Hinata confessed- feeling that if there was ever a time to be honest, it was now. Kageyama held back a smile at the statement, God, this idiot made him so happy.

Clouds were appearing. They were grey, and dark, and menacing. And pretty soon they would be hovering above the pair.

They swayed to the music, and Kageyama was tensing up a little. Really; it was now or never. "Hinata, you know how I said I didn't like, like you?" He mumbled, bending his head down as if it were a secret whisper. Hinata had nodded, a hand resting against Kageyama's chest. "W-well, that's not exactly t-true, you see.." Kageyama's throat wouldn't allow him to continue. He took a deep breath, and began again, confessing, "You see, I really like you Hinata, and when I look at you, I want to hug you and hold your hand and- do all these things. I don't want to ever let you go," Hinata stopped moving, his body a frenzy as his heart exploded and buzzed with joy.

"Hinata?" Kageyama questioned for his response, holding him still with both hands on his cheeks, tilting his gaze up towards his own. "I just need to know how you feel, too.. If you could possibly imagine us together- E-even after all I did," He mumbled, embarrassed by his actions from a few days ago. "I did it- I said all those things, because I was scared. When you heard me, I suddenly reconsidered. I thought, what if he breaks up with me? Or worse, what if I'm not good enough for him? And it made me not want to risk anything at all.."

Hinata wasn't moving away, wasn't tearing away his stare. He looked back, with a loving expression, and smiled genuinely up at Kageyama. "You know how I feel, Bakageyama," He chuckled at the silly name, before resuming his answer, "I don't think, even if I tried to, I could have ever gotten rid of what I felt for you. I hadn't realised it until you said it first, but Kageyama, I really have fallen in-love with you," Hinata was talking sweetly, and as he had been, Kageyama had pulled him in for a much needed embrace.

They had spent about fourty minutes upon that cliff, and when it was just past midnight they decided to sleep, as plops of rain began to fall on them and the area. Not wanting to get drenched and being awfully tired, they rushed back, pushing through bushes while Kageyama held his hand until they reached the hill. "Race you!" He called to Hinata, speeding off ahead down the steep hill, that was dangerously close to the sea. Progressively, as the two dashed down the long hill, the storm was getting worse. The waves were getting slightly more violent, almost reaching the top of the low part of the hill they were on, and the sky had somehow gotten darker. How? Why? Kageyama wondered, there had been nothing in the forecast about storms nor cold weather. Just as Kageyama reached the bottom of the hill, he turned back to watch Hinata run down holding a smile, that soon transformed into a horrified expression.

I showed my friend the ending of this chapter on the bus, they (not even lying) screamed outloud and dropped onto their knees (they know who they are) I was laughing evilly oops.

Also I'm a shit who always forgets her friend's pronouns I'm sorry please always correct me and stuff. I feel so bad afterwards.

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