"Don't be ridiculous. You only think you saw Anakin." Master Windu spouted, with a complete disregard for my feelings.
"A mind game, it was not. The truth, this may be."
"(Y/N), you say you saw Anakin. Our Anakin. Correct?"
"Yes masters. I saw Anakin Skywalker. Vader asked me something, and I answered. It triggered something. We may be able to use it as a tool to bring him to the light." The masters remained silent. I looked around the room, for any slight glint of an agreeing face, but the only confirmation of my belief, came from Master Yoda.
"It was not part of the mission for you to set foot on the Death Star. Kenobi didn't tell you to, you did it under your own selfish disregard, for the safety of not only yourself, but the entire galaxy."
"With all due respect Master Windu. You're being intollerable. I came in here to tell you all exactly what I saw. Like I was supposed to. But other than Master Yoda, all of you are completely putting aside what I saw and exchanging it with petty disbelief. You don't know at all what I have seen from that man. I have seen him as my master. My friend. My adversary. My enemy. And the man he once was. You can't possibly tell me, that something I saw in my best friend was and is not true."
"(Y/N), we are not saying you didn't see things in the past, we are saying you didn't see this. I'm sorry, but it's far too unlikely." That was the final straw, I walked over to the seat that Bastard Windu, was perched in.
"Than maybe I should bring him back myself, you'll see. I'll bring him back... Just you wait." I moved from my place in front of Windu and left the room, bowing to the masters on my way out. The first thing I did was get Luke and Leia. And then we left. The Death Star awaited all three of us... Little did we know, all hell was about to break loose.