Chapter 1

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The rink was cold filled with screaming fans. As the hockey players shot the pucks into the net for warm-up, I noticed Forest wave to me. I waved back and Cici squealed.

"I just love hockey games. The cold, the fans, the game, and the boys; especially the boys."

I went back to watching the game. My brother, Owen, plays hockey too so I have been to so many hockey games and pretty much know what's going on. I watched as the boys shot puck after puck into the net. Then the buzzer rang and the game started.

After three periods, me and Cici already got popcorn and cokes. I was watching the game while Cici was on her phone showing me random picks of her "husband" Josh Hutcherson. Close to the end of the third period,  number 34 shot a goal. The crowd erupted, and 34 put his hands in the air and looked at the crowd. His eyes met mine and he smiled. Then he winked. I felt my face go red and looked away. Forest saw what happened and pushed 34. 34 started laughing and went back to the bench.

For the rest of the game, number 34 kept looking at me and then back at the game. When he got a score, he would look at me and smile. Every time our eyes met, my face would get red. Cici started to notice and kept elbowing me.

Our team lost 12-6 but I was still happy for Forest. Downstairs, I waited for Forest to be done getting changed. I leaned against a pole while Cici was talking on the phone. I was looking at the ground when all of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up startled when I found number 34 above me. He was smiling, and I noticed he had dark brown hair and brown eyes as dark as chocolate.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi," I replied looking away shyly. I have to admit but my face was burning red. Cici noticed what was happening and came over to us.

"Hey I'm Cici and she has a boyfriend you know."

He laughed and then said, "Ha. I know." Then he winked. My heart was literally going to jump out of my chest if Forest didn't come.

"Hey Daniel, fuck off." Daniel laughed and then walked down the hall.

"Hey babe," Forest said grabbing my waist and kissing my forehead. "And Daniel... she's mine." He pulled me closer to him. Daniel turned around and smirked then disappeared down the hall.

Forest turned around and looked at my face. "God he's such a dick sometimes. So do you want to get something to eat. Cici you in?"

"Nah I'm good. Me and Josh are gonna get home." She laughed.

We got in the car and drove to Chipotle. I ordered a bowl and Forest ordered a burrito. We sat down and of course Forest dug right into his burrito. I took a bite and then started to drift off. All I could think was Daniel and how he winked and smirked and and...

"Hey Emma. What are you looking at?"

"Oh oh... nothing." I went back to eating my burrito bowl.

"Hey are you going to eat that?" I noticed he already finished his burrito and was eyeing mine. 

"Yeah sure." I laughed and handed him the bowl.

"What?" He smirked laughing along with me. "Hey so next game me and the boys were wondering if you and Cici could make posters cause it's the playoffs and yeah."

"Sure do you want me to make a poster for each player?"

"Yeah. Sounds good!" Forest had finished the bowl in about 3 minutes. I laughed and got up to fill my Coke. Forest came up behind me and filled his Coke too.

When we got to my house, I stepped out of the car. Forest came out and hugged me from behind. I held his hands to me and then turned around and kissed him. We walked to my door and Forest said,"Bye M." He kissed me on the cheek and then walked to the car. I waved and then he drove away.

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