Chapter 2

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Olivia's house was big filled with nice furniture, mostly from Home Goods, and paintings all on the walls that her mom painted. I walked in and waved to Mrs. Smith. She smiled and then I went upstairs.

Olivia, Cici, and Nina sat on the floor with posters, glitter, and stickers all over the floor. Olivia's room was painted blue but you could barely see the walls with all the Niall Horan posters. Literally everything is Niall.

"Hey M," Olivia said scooting away the stickers so I could sit down.

"Hey." I grabbed a poster and asked who I should do.

"Well... you have to do Forest cause duh and maybe Evan and Daniel."

"Okay sounds good!" I was going to do Evan first, the Daniel, and then Forest so I can spend the most on his. I threw some glitter and stickers on Evan's and then wrote his name and number in different colored sharpies. When I was done with his I went to Daniel's. Daniel, what's Daniel like??? I asked Nina what Daniel was like.

"Oh he's Irish I heard. His favorite color is green, and um... Oh! And he like dogs." She handed me the packet of stickers that had all kinds of dogs.

"Wait how do you know so much about? Are you like a stalker or something?"

She laughed. "No I'm just observant."

I grabbed the stickers, green and orange glitter, and a green sharpie and I got to work. I took the green glitter and sprinkled it over the glue. I did the same with the orange. I kinda made it look like the Irish flag. Then I put the dog stickers around his name and number which I wrote in green sharpie.

"Hey," Cici said snapping me out of my trance, "I'm bored. Let's stop and do something." I looked at the time. It was 6:00. I had spent more than two hours on Daniel's and haven't even started Forest's!

"I can call Cali. She can bring us to a movie. Wanna see the Martian." Cali is Cici's twin sister. She already got her driving license so Cici always bugged her to drive her places.

"THE MARTIAN!!! I love the book The Martian!!! Mark Watney is bæ!" yelled Nina. Everyone just stared at her and the Olivia laughed.

"Alright! I can pay." Olivia took a twenty dollar bill out of her Niall themed wallet and then put the wallet in the Niall purse.

Cici called Cali and soon enough, she was at the door. We jumped into her black jeep which was playing country music.

"Hey Cali," I said jumping in the back next to Nina.

"Hey." Cali and Cici looked exactly alike but had completely different personalities. Cali was quiet. Cici was loud. Cali was smart and read a lot. Cici was as dumb as could be and would never ever touch a book unless she had to. Cici did sports. Cali did not. Cici liked to party. Cali did not. Cici liked boys. Cali hated them. They were so different in so many ways but actually got along fine.

The drive to the movie theater was Nina covering her ears because she hates country music, Cici blaring the music to bother Nina and singing along, Olivia screaming over the music to put on One Direction, and me laughing the whole way. I loved all my friends with all my heart even with their crazy behaviors.

When we got the movie theater, Cici went running in to buy tickets for the movie. Olivia skipped singing One Direction on the top of her lungs while Nina talked to me trying not to spoil every point in the movie. We got the popcorn and sodas and went to the back of the theaters. When the movie started, I told Cici to quiet down who was talking to Nina. Then Cici stood up and told the whole theater to shut up. The rest of us were so embarrassed.

The movie was long but really good. Nina was the one who laughed the whole time yelling stupid comments. When it was done there was a group of boys outside checking us out. Cici was into it swaying her hips and winking at them. We literally had to drag her away when Cali came.

Cali dropped all of us off at our houses. I was the last one to be dropped off. Inside my house was my dad, sister, and my other sister. I have three siblings. I'm the oldest, then goes Catherine who's 15, then Owen who's 12, and then Charlotte who is 11. Charlotte was the first to notice I was home. She asked where I was and I told her I went to Olivia's and then saw a movie. My dad scooted over to make a spot for me on the couch. He was watching HGTV as always. My family is obsessed HGTV lovers. I leaned against him and he kissed my forehead head. Me and my dad have always been close. I think I've always been his favorite in my opinion. After watching two hours of House Hunters International, I went to bed. Me and Catherine share a room so it's always messy with all her stuff. I try to tell her to clean it but she doesn't.

Inside Catherine laid on her bed on her laptop. I took mine and went on Instagram. There, I noticed I had a new follow request. I went on this persons account and saw that it was Daniel's account. I laughed at all the followers he had. He had 3000 something followers which he probably bought. His last post was him holding a rose with the caption stating Who wants to be my valentine??? with a bunch of hearts. I laughed seeing all of the replies. Then I fell asleep forgetting to close my laptop.

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