Chapter 5

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"I can't believe you kissed Daniel!" Cici said. We were in my room and it was just me, Cici, and Nina. Olivia had to go home.

"I... I know right. I can't believe." Nina said white as a ghost. I shot her a glare and she grew even whiter than snow.

"I'm sorry" I said. "Its just the way he smile, I just had to kiss him and there was no stopping me."

"Oooooooo. Sounds like Emma's in looooovvvvee." Owen said making kissey faces through the door.

"God Owen leave us alone or you know what I'll do to you." said Cici. Cici is like a sister to all of my siblings since shes here every day. When Owen heard what Cici said, he turned quickly running downstairs. I chuckled but then turning serious again.

"Cici you better not tell anyone! You too Nina." Nina nodded but was still white.

"I won't. I'm not that mean of a friend." Cici said giving me a smile. "But what will you tell Forest? And what about that date on Friday  with Mr. Morris?" She winked.

"Its not a date. We are just hanging out. I've told you this fricken thirty times." I laughed cheering my mood up a little more. Cici laughed too expecting Nina to laugh along but she was looking out the window. I knew right away she was thinking about Mason.

"Thinking about your new boyfriend?" I said. Nina blushed hard and smiled.

"Yeah." She said dreamingly. "He asked me to go to the football game with him Saturday. He's going to be on the sidelines in the mascot costume but I still agreed to go. He's so perfect." I thought of the chubby, awkward, red-head I saw at the party and wondered how Nina even liked him. But it was Nina and she liked him so it shouldn't bother me. I smiled watching Nina staring at the wall with a smile on her lips. She must like him a lot.

Forest was walking with his books in his hands as i snuck up to his locker. When he shut it, he found my face behind it giving me a confused look. I laughed embracing him in a hug. He stood there awkwardly without hugging me back. I wanted to hug him to see if I had the same feeling when I hugged him as I did with Daniel. I squeezed him harder trying to find that sense of warmness  I had with Daniel but couldn't find it. As I squeezed harder, he put his arms around me too and whispered," I miss you too Emma." Ha. Here was my boyfriend thinking that I missed him when I'm actually looking for a feeling that I had with a different boy.

I let go looking for his eyes and then pulled him in for a kiss. I pressed my mouth hard against his trying to find something but couldn't find anything. What had happened to our little spark? I pulled apart leaving Forest. Behind Forest was Daniel, looking jealous as he stared at Forest and me. But once he caught my gaze, he smirked and walked away with his books in his hands.

I went to math class finding two notes on my desk. I opened one and found it was from Daniel. It read Ready for our little date? I looked across the room finding him and giving a little face. But then I nodded and smiled writing back It's not a date! I threw the note across the room and he picked it up. He smiled when he read it and mouthed Sorry.

I opened the second note immediately noticing Cici's handwriting. The note read See me after class!!!!! EMERGENCY!!!!!! EMERGENCCCCCCCCYYYYY!!!!!!

I didn't hear anything the math teacher said because I was to worried about what Cici wanted to tell me. What if something was wrong?! What if something's REALLY WRONG?! Daniel caught my eye with a nervous expression on his face. He must of notice me looking anxious. When the bell rang, I grabbed my books as quickly as I could and raced to find Cici. Cici grabbed my hand making me drop my books in the process and pushed me right into the girl's bathroom. She went up and down the stalls looking to see if anyone was there and pulled out her phone.

"Cici? What's wrong?" I asked. She turned her phone towards me and on it was a picture of a girl with long blond hair and a boy with black hair kissing in front of a mountain. I was confused at first why Cici had pulled me into the bathroom to see a picture of a cute couple until I realized something. I stared closely at the boy with the black hair and jumped back.

"Fuck! Is that Forest?" I whispered taking the phone out of Cici's hand. She nodded biting her lip in the process.

"So this girl asked to follow me the other day and I was like what the hell. So I let her follow me. And today during science she accepted my follow back and I was looking at her photos when I found this." She pointed to the phone. "Wait. There's more." She went onto this girl's page and almost half of the photos was with Forest.

"Do you think he's cheating on me?" I asked.

"Well if you think about it, you both went around kissing other people this weekend. So I guess you both are pretty fucked up," she said laughing.

"Well, it looks like this has been going on for a while." I said flipping through the pictures of Forest. I will say that it did hurt seeing all these pictures of Forest but knowing I too had been kissing another boy and going on some type of date with him Friday kinda made me feel bad too.

"So what are you going to do M. I say you dump him right now. I can do it for you. And just so you know, I never liked him anyway." She looked furious.

"Cici, you know I can't dump him. I'm just to nice."

"I know what you can do." She smirked and whispered in my ear.

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