Chapter 25. Taken Over

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"Jack I think your going to want to see this." James said. We was all on the training room training for our mission to save Elizabeth. I walked up to the computer that James was sitting at. "I think we found the location of where they might be holding Elizabeth." He said. "Good where." I said throwing the towel over my shoulder. "You see when you guys got these powers I've created something that I called the F.E.E.T. It stands for Fast Electromagnetic Energy Tracker. I built it just in case something like this happened." He said. "So you can basically track us anytime you want is what your saying." I said. "No and yes. You see this only works when you guys powers has been activated." He said. "So this location is where her powers has been activated." I said. "Precisely." He said. "And how long ago was this." Stephen said. "Just now actually." James said. "Well what are we waiting for. Let's go get our girl back." Jhon said. We all got suited up and fast too. "Alright guys we are gong to need to be on the look out for enemy's too. I don't think they will just let us take her and go." I said. "Are all of you guys weapons working?" James said. "All good." Michael said. "Are you sure your ready for your first mission. You know you can just sit this one out if your not sure." I said to Michael. "I'm good Jack thanks." He said. I nodded, "Alright let's move out." I said. We arrived at the place where Elizabeth last used her powers. "This place is a dump." Justice said. "What would they be doing here." Stephen said. "Well whatever they are doing they are using Elizabeth to do it." I said. "Using a girl to do their dirty work. Now that's what you call a punk." Zack said. "Wait everyone get down there's someone coming." Jhon said. We saw somebody walking towards a truck with a black box. "That doesn't look like a tormentor." Justice said. "Do you think those people stole the truck? Or maybe they are working together." Michael said. "Well whatever happened to the tormentors we have to find out what is in that box." Stephen said. "We have to save Elizabeth." I said. "We know that's why we are splitting up into groups." Jhon said. "Jack you Stephen and Michael go find Elizabeth. Me, Justice and Zack will go find out what is in the boxes." Jhon said. "Hey Stephen." Justice said. "Be careful." She said. "Always." He said and winked at her. She blushed and went with her group. "Ok guys when we get Elizabeth make sure you don't hurt her." I said. "No problemo." Stephen said. We headed out taking out enemies from left to right. "Guys I think I found her." Michael said whispering. He pointed towards a glowing light. "Jhon come in we have found Elizabeth." I said on my com. "Ok we are at the boxes." Jhon radioed back to me. "Ok over and out." I said. We lowered out weapons and ran to the light. "Elizabeth?" I said as I saw a girl standing there moving crates. She turned around and looked at me weird. "Elizabeth it's me. Remember, it's Jack." I said walking up to her. She then flicked her wrist and the box came flying towards me like a bullet. I dodged it and she roundhouse kicked me towards Stephen and Michael. I looked back up at her and she lit her hands up bright purple. She grinned and ran at us. "Ahhhhhh" she screamed as she swung her fist at Stephen. It hit him and he went flying into one of the crates. "Elizabeth why are you doing this we are your friends." I said. "I got her." Michael said. He froze her feet but that didn't take long for her to break. She came charging again and used her telekinesis to hold Michael in place. But she didn't need to use her powers. "She have gotten stronger." I said in my head. She then kicked Michael in the gut and she started to choke him. I tackled her onto the ground and held her hands down. "Elizabeth don't do this I'm stronger than you and you know that." I said. "Ahhhh!" She said again as she blasted me off of her with a small blast. I fell on my back and got up. She was already standing there by the time I was there. I balled up my fist and made a chain that wrapped around her. She grunted and broke free. "What the heck!" I thought. Her whole body lit up this time. She smashed her hands together making a loud clap and two hands of energy formed on booth sides of me then smushed me. "Ow." I said as I fell back. I got back up again and she was gone. I then felt a tap on my shoulder from behind and and quickly turned around. She sucker punched me to one of the crates. Stephen got up and said, "No more Mr.Nice guy." He then used his laser eyes to shock her. She lifted up her hand and the laser went right inside the palm of her hand. Stephen eyes widened. She lifted up her other hand and shot the laser back at him. Even though it didn't do nothing to him he still flew from the force. Michael was behind her and turned full ice. He charged at her and attempted to swing. She blocked his punch with her arm and punched in the face. He shook it off and kicked her in the ribs. It hit her but it didn't seem to do anything to her. She grabbed his leg and threw him towards a wall. "You can't do anything to her in that form. She has to waste all of her energy." I said. I scanned to see a weakness only to find a chip inside of her. "Guys there's a chip inside of her stomach." I said. "How did they get it there." Stephen said. "I don't know we just have to get it out." I said. "How?!" Michael said. "We have to punch it out of her I guess." I said. She lifted up both hands and all three of us got lifted up into the air. "I can't move!" Michael said. "None of can she's using her telekinesis!" Stephen said. She flung her arms down and we came crashing to the ground. Stephen and Michael got knocked out from the slam. I got up dizzy, too dizzy to fight. "Well this can end badly." I thought in my head. Next thing you know she gasped in pain and fell on the ground passed out. Jhon had grabbed the chip from in her. "How did you do that." I said. "Oh I forgot to tell you. I have the ability to go through things." He said. I gave him a thumbs up and passed out.

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