Chapter 3

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Lunch rolled around the corner.

I was strutting down the hallway into the once empty, but now crowded cafeteria. Students were screaming and howling as if they were wild animals that were kept caged up for long time. They seemed as if were angry and aggressive from being held captive and now they were freed from the relentless, torture given to them by the teachers.

I guess I could relate with them. Staying in long, boring classes can make people go crazy with insanity burning inside.It's like sitting in prison just waiting for your trial that could possibly release you from the isolation and terror.

I looked around and noticed the same old reddish-brown, rectangular tables, rimmed at the edge with black. They were all filled with chatting students, busy in conversation.

The same, old white tiling was laid out on the floor from last year, just as I remembered it.

I caught a glimpse of a hand waving at me from the far side of the cafeteria.

It was all of my good friends from the year before.

Their beautiful memories flooded my brain. I cherished every single drop of it. I was so glad to see them.

I was now quickly walking over to them, moving around all of the large tables that were set out.

A smile was now ironed on to my face. I could never wipe it off even if I tried.

I really missed them from the year before. The wonderful, great times we had back in the old days.

I finally reached them and stood in front of the table and then I broke out with my intense emotions, not even stopping to take a breath because I was so happy.

"Oh my gosh, I love you guys! It feels amazing to see you once again after so long," I said very fast paced as my feelings poured out like a tidal wave, "I can't even tell you how I feel!"

"Awe, Sabrina we missed you too! It just feels like I haven't seen you such a long time," said one of my greatest friends, Brad.

He got up and gave me a sweet, warm hug with his hands wrapped, perfectly around me.

I didn't want to let go. It was too comforting to just stop. The sensation of his strong smelling cologne soothed all my worries about life.

Finally, he pulled away from me and I guess I had to too.

His scent lingered beneath my nose.

Brad was a tall, handsome guy. His blue, mesmerizing eyes always had my attention locked on them. I seemed to find myself lost in them all the time.

I also loved his musty, brown hair that was swept over, effortlessly. He always towered over me with his beautiful tan skin is that glistened like the sunlight.

I especially liked the way he dressed. He didn't care about what others thought of him. For all he wanted to do, was dress in comfy, baggy clothing and not give a damn.

Today he was wearing a grey sweatshirt with "Abercrombie" written in big, bold, black letters paired together with a nice set of blue sweatpants. His red, Nike shoes stood out compared to the rest of his outfit which gave his look a nice touch to it.

He was perfect to me in every way.

"Hey what's up Sabrina?" Says Jack, one of my great friends.

Jack was a really good looking guy with tamed brown hair and olive skin. His greenish-hazel eyes glowed bright as diamonds in the moonlight. His smile perfect enough to make maidens faint instantly.

"Nothing much. Nice to see you, Jack. It's been so long!" I say as I put my large backpack down. I take my seat on the table and pull out my lunch which was an typical, old ham and cheese sandwich.

Bella smiles and goes on about how we should all get together some day and hangout.

I was probably only listening to the first two minutes until Todd walked right behind her.

Once again, I started day dreaming about him and how hot he is. Wouldn't it be amazing if we were a couple? Every girl in the school would be jealous of me. Except, the only problem is that he would never think about dating girl like me.

"So Sabrina, what do you say?" Bella asks.

I sat there quiet with no response. I wasn't even sure what the hell she was talking about. My focus had all been diverted towards Todd.

"Yeah, I agree," I say making something up fast so I didn't sound like an idiot.

"Sabrina, were you even listening to me? I asked you what was that guy you liked's name?" Bella says as I realize how stupid I must've sound before.

"Are you talking about, Todd?" I reply with embarrassment.

"Yeah, that guy!" She says snapping her fingers. "Sabrina has a huge thing for him."

"Yeah, right. I just met him" I say rolling my eyes.

"C'mon Sabrina, we know that you probably like him but won't admit it." Jack adds on smirking.

"I hate you..." I slap his wrist and smile as he draws back in reaction.

"Love you too." He says laughing and holding his wrist with his other hand.

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