Chapter Fourteen

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"Welcome my old friends," Voldemort starts. "It's been how long? And here you all are. But why didn't you look for me. All the signs were there. And yet, only Wormtail came for me. Crabbe. Goyle. Avery. Nott. And you...Malfoy."

I look at the father of my boyfriend. No one looks at me, so I take the moment and try to stab Voldemort in the back. But I somehow get thrown in the air and land with a thud, knocking the wind out of me. Lucius grabs my wrist and pulls me up.

"Where did you get this?" He growls, referring to the ring. I honestly forgot I had that on. "You stole it."

"She didn't," Voldemort states. "Looks like your son has a weakness for this sprite."

Lucius casts some spell, causing excruciating amount of pain. Eventually I black out.


I wake up in the Hospital Wing. My parents, all of my siblings, two friends, and Draco is here.

"What the bloody hell happened?" I ask. Draco and Ginny help me sit up. "Last I remember is..."

"I already know about my dad. I'm sorry Abi."

"Not your fault."

Harry fills me in on everything. It still seems like a dream. But I can believe Barty Crouch Jr. was the disguised as Mad-Eye. I take a deep breath. An end of the year I did not want and end of my childhood for sure.

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