Chapter 21- Junior Olympics

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About 1 year later

Today is the big day! A few weeks ago, a judge came around our gym to review our skills for the junior olympics. Today they will be giving us our scores. Of course, I never wanted to go to the olympics. I'd rather just do gymnastics with a collage or compete in other things. Mostly because there's a lot of traveling involved and I can't be away from my family. But some of my friends have always dreamed of going so I want to cheer them on every step of the way.
Mom brings me, Annie, and Hayley to the gym. Hayley has also started gym school along with us since she's getting better at gymnastics really fast. She's now a level 6! Infix my hair a little bit cause even though I don't want to go to the Olympics. I still want to impress the judges.
"Ooh I can't wait!" I squeal.
"I can't wait either, I really hope someone gets in!" Annie says.
"I can't wait to see if mommy packed my favorite sandwich in my lunch!" We laugh at Hayley's statement.
We walk into the door and everything is quiet, no one is warming up and they aren't even talking by the lockers.
"This is weird." Annie whispers and we nod. We quickly but quietly put our stuff in our lockers then we go and sit with the rest of the girls on the floor.
After a few minutes pass, a few of our coaches come out and so do two judges.
"Hello girls!" One judge speaks. "As you know, a few weeks ago we came to see the excel girls preform their very best skills, we finally have the results." I look at Lia and Zoe who really want to go to the junior Olympics. Of course Bella doesn't want to because of too much traveling as well.
"Now, we usually have only one, two, or zero gymnastics from each gym but, in this gym, we have three. You guys are very well trained. Okay girls are you ready?" We all stare at the judge for this can can he each of our lives forever.
"The first gymnast is, AnnWelling."Ann jumped up and threw her hands over her mouth. We clapped and congratulated her.
"The next girl is, Lia Donnelly." Lia is in shock and Katie goes to hug her. We go hug her as well.
"And last but not least, Zoe Richardson!" I gasp and Olivia runs and jumps into Zoe's arms. We all scream in joy and congratulate the three girls. We are all so proud of them. Everyone settled down 10 minutes later.
"Okay girls, you have a logo of packing to do, we leave in one week!" I freeze. I completely forgot. They have to move. To California.
I guess I just forgot the fact that they would be leaving us.
"One week." I say with my head down. I start worrying. Of course I'm thinking about it too much like I often do.
"One week. That's, seven days. Seven." At this point I'm sitting on the ground with a blank face everyone still doesn't get it.
"Wait, did she say one week?" Bella stops in her tracks.
"Bella what are we going to do? We have one week with our two best friends that are moving to California." I look up at her and she sits down with me.
"We had plans." She has that same blank fav was me.
"Big plans." I say. Zoe and Lia come over and sit with us. They are a little confused.
"Are you guys okay?" Lia asks. She hates it when things are sad. She always wants to cheer people up.
"Lia! Zoe! We had big plans!" Bella is almost crying.
"W we're going to graduate, move to California, be neighbors, and we were going to be all together. I'm happy for you guys, but life goes by so fast." I'm also almost crying.
"Callie, you are thinking about it too much, like you always do." Zoe knows me well.
"Just think about it this way, we are all 15. Next year we will be 16, then 17, then we graduate. In three years you two come move down to California with us. Zoe and I are just going a little early. We will still be best friends." Lia tries to cheer me up. I hug them tight.
"I just don't want to loose you." I say while hugging as tight as I can.
"Callie, you will never loose us." Zoe says. "We might not physically be here, but we will still be here. In spirit."
"I love you guys. I can't wait to go to California with you." We all four hug again and everyone else joins in. I will miss them. I've known them for as long as I could remember. But I know we will still all be connected.
For some reason I get a lot of inspiration from watching Girl Meets World. I'm 14 and I still watch kid shows. Haha. But that show gives me way to many feels. I also love Boy Meets World. Oh Kay I'll go now <3 -Natalia

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