Chapter 28- Class of 2020

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It's weird. It's weird thinking that after tonight I will be officially done with high school. Although I haven't actually been taught in an actual school since 6th grade, I will still miss it. It will be off to college after this!
Today, every gymnast in gym school graduating 12th grade will have a mini graduation ceremony at the gym.
This month has also been hard for Annie and I since Liv and her family is moving in one week to Los Angeles to be with Zoe. Also, Katie got into the Olympic team this year along with Zoe and Her sister Lia and left two months ago. On my part, Brennan and the rest of his family are moving soon to be with Katie and Lia in Los Angeles as well. Brennan is going to be in the Olympics for water polo this year along side his sisters. So basically all of our friends are going to be in leaving to Los Angeles and Bella and I are going to be left here in Maryland. And Brennan's parents are terrific at training Olympic athletes!

Right now, we are waiting for Zoe's parents to pick up Lia, Katie and Zoe from the airport. They were given a week off of Olympic training which is rare for them since the Olympics are this year! Liv, Brody, Wyatt, Bella's family, Brennan, Ryan, their parents, and my family are waiting anxiously for them to arrive at our house. We hear a door click and everyone's heads turn to the doors.
Lia, Zoe, and Katie walk in and Annie, Bella, Liv, and I run to them as fast as we can. The seven of us hug for about two minutes when everyone else joins us in one big hug.
"Lia! Zoe! We've missed you so much!" I say still hugging them.
"We've missed you guys too!" Lia says hugging us tighter. After everyone welcomed them back we sit with them to catch up on things.
"What are we going to do here without everyone?" Bella says referring to everyone leaving to California.
"You know, you are basically done with school. And California is a pretty cool place to live." Zoe hints.
"Oh I don't even think about that." That's when our parents call us down.

It's finally graduation day at the gym and we are just getting ready to get in the cars.
"Ok Callie, you ready to go?" Mom walks in.
"Yeah just give me a few minutes."
"Don't take too long!" She goes to get in the car.
I'm looking around my room as if I'm looking for something. Something is missing, I know it. I glance to my dresser and instantly know what I'm looking for.
I slip on my Caleb and Callie bracelet m. I also grab the picture of Caleb we take everywhere. This is very important for a day like this. I just wish Caleb were here to share this day with us.

We pull into the car filled parking lot of our gym and I look at Caleb's picture once again.
"I know you miss him. We all do." Mom catches me off cuard.
"Mom I just want him here." I haven't really cried about my brother in quite a while. The last time I did when I met one of the people who received one of his  functioning organs when we donated them. The girl, Mandy, is a fan and meeting her felt great. She told us stories that Caleb basically saved her life which made me bawl my eyes out of course.
"I know baby girl, but you need to be strong. We all wish he was still around but unfortunately that's not possible. We are all here for you Cal." Mom hugs me tightly and leads me outside the car. I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful person as a mother.

We walk inside the gym and we see all the chairs laying out. Mary runs up to me carrying a graduation cap.
"Hey Callie, here's your cap and gown for today." She hands me the purple cap and gown.
"Ooh they're purple! My favorite color." I hug Mary and she runs off to give a few other girls their things.
We stand and talk for a few minutes while waiting for people to arrive.
"Okay everyone come sit so we can start the event!" Mary calls everyone to sit. "Hello everyone, today we are gathered to celebrate the graduation of a few gymnasts. These girls have been with us from the very beginning. They mean so much to everyone and I hate to see a few of them move away.. Throughout all the fame and difficult times, we stayed united as a team. We decided to host a makeshift graduation ceremony since all of these girls are indeed homeschooled."
One by one coach Claire and Mary announce The names of the girls. Even Zoe and Lia got to give a little speech.
"Next up is Callie!" Coach Mary announces. I walk up to the makeshift stage.
"Hello everyone! I just wanted to say how wonderful these years at First Class has been. It has been a dream spending every day with these girls and the coaches. Also doing what I love. I know my brother, Caleb, would be proud of me. Or, in fact, all of us! I hope there will be many wonderful yard to come." Everyone class and, like my fellow gymnasts, I walk off the stage and sit in my seat.
After the ceremony, we throw our hats up in the air like people traditionally do at graduations. Everyone springs up with joy and laughter. It truly has been an amazing journey.

Hey guys! So unfortunately this book is almost done. But some good news is, my sisters friend went to playlist and got Annie and Hayley's signature! Then she gave it to us! I'll put a picture of it in the media thing.
P.S. I find it cool how they are the class of 2020 and I am also going to graduate then.

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