Chapter 12: The Hallway Adventure

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Linette's hand was in Bender's as he peaked out of the doors and saw Vernon walking the opposite direction of their destination. He exited and Linette made a gesture with her hands for the others to quickly follow.

"What the actual hell are we doing?"

"Going on an adventure Linnie, now hush." Bender says walking, hand still holding onto Linette's. Behind them were Claire who was next to Brian; Alison and Andrew were walking next to each other as well, staring at Bender with skepticism and uncertainty.

Claire walks a bit faster to stand a bit behind Bender.

"How do you know where Vernon went?" Claire asks him.

"I don't..." He said nonchalantly staring ahead. Linette raises a brow.

"Then how do you know when he's coming back?

"I don't" he snuffs, he then slightly bends his head to get a look at her."being bad feels pretty good, huh?"

Linette rolls her eyes and Claire gives him an incredulous gaze. Behind them Brian was attempting to strike conversation by continuously questioning the whole reason of this escapade. Andrew quickly got annoyed.

"You ask me one more question and I'm beating the shit out of you" He said straightforwardly.

"Sorry..." Brian says backing up a bit.

The group get to their destination and Bender lightly taps on Linette's shoulder and says "Be a good bodyguard and watch my back." He then twists his locker and when he opens it, a makeshift guillotine like blade falls down. He then reaches up and opens the locker directly above his, which was also as messy as the one below.

"Slob." Andrew says sardonically

"My maid's on vacation." Replies pulling out a brown mucky bag; out of that bag was another bag. After unraveling that bag, he pulled out another bag. But instead of another bag coming out of that bag, instead came out a bag of marijuana.

"Drugs..." Says Brian in disbelief after taking a whiff.

"Screw that Bender put it back!" Andrew says, "attempting" to persuade him, but Bender doesn't listen and simply takes Linette's hand and walks away

"How?" Linette asks.

"That's a secret toots." He winks.

"Drugs...the boy had marijuana." Brian says, still in awe. Claire walks after Bender.

"That was marijuana!"

"Shut up geek" Andrew snaps following the other three. Brian looks at Allison who is standing there with her mouth open.

"Do you approve of this?" Alison says nothing and Brian shakes his head, turns and leaves. When no one was looking, Allison stole the lock off of Bender's locker.

Whilst walking down the hall, Bender swung his and Linette's arms comically with a small smirk on his face, while Linette looked around, praying they wouldn't get caught. Andrew then walks up to Bender.

"You got a plan on getting us the hell back?" Andrews sternly asks.

"We'll cross through the lab, and then we'll double back." Says Bender, pausing and then turning a corner.

"You better be right, if Vernon cuts us off it's your fault, asshole." Says Andrew following him, them. Poor innocent Brian asks Claire what they were talking about and she only shrugs.Bender stops to make a turn , the rest of the group mimicking, only to pause when they see Vernon down one of the halls.

They run down the halls, or at least five out of six do, causing Linette to let go of Bender's and run back and grab her friend's hand. After a series of turning corners, sliding, almost slipping, and Alison and Linette watching on some occasions, the group stop when reaching a crossroad.

"Wait! Wait, hold it! Hold it! We have to go through the cafeteria." Bender says pointing at the opposite direction.

" No, the activities hall." Counters Andrew.

"Hey man, you don't know what you're talking about!" Argues Bender's.

"No you don't know what you're talking about!" Allison squeaks in urgency and Linette tugs on Bender's sleeve.

"Now we're through listening to you, we're going this way." He finalizes and Claire and Brian follow.

Alison watches and walks backwards as Linette looks at Bender and Bender looks back at her, rolls his eyes, and tugs her along.

as they run through the halls and go down a flight of stairs, they reach the activities hall only for a gate to block their ways. Bender lets go of Linette's hand, runs to the gate, and shakes the bars in frustration.

"Shit" Andrew says realizing he screwed up.

"Great Idea Jagoff."

"Fuck you."

"No Fuck you! you should have just shut up and listen." Snaps Linette.

"Yeah, you should have listened to John!" Says Claire, making Linette stare at her with distaste at the use of his name.

"We're dead." Brian says despairingly.

"No just me." Bender says looking up.

"What do you mean?" Brian asks.

He turns to Linette and says,"Get back to the Library." and then plants a sloppy loud kiss on her cheek. He then turns to Brian, grabs him by his pants, and proceeds to shove the bag of drugs down his pants and says, "Keep your unit on this."

He winks at Linette before shoving Andrew and running down the hall singing a military cadence.

"You heard the man, Go!" Linette said, leading the group.

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