Chpt. 3

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~Max's POV~

I awoke wrapped in a thick blanket with a pillow under my head confused as hell. How did these get here? How did I get here? I rubbed my eyes sitting up all to quickly. Regretting my previous movement I held my head trying to get my sight straight as the blood rushed down my body. Once I get that settled I take a look around this dark cell again. I shook my head some and groaned in pain, damn it shouldn't have done that. I realize the headache  which soon makes me remember the events that had occurred the night before. was Ben, he was fucking alive! I still couldn't wrap my head around it. Is that what Leia meant when she said he got sick? That he went to the dark side? Was she scared I would've followed him? I mean lets be honest I would've.....I would've done anything for him. I was like a drug addict with Ben, he was my drug and I'd do anything to keep getting more of him. I had always wished I had gone with him, but then again I couldn't stand Luke or anyone else in that family. They were always worried about him, forcing him to do Jedi training and learn the ways of the light. He always talked about running off with me, going to another planet and just having our lives to ourselves.

I was taken from my thoughts by a loud sliding sound. My head jerked toward the door and the small slit was now open and tray of food was being slid through it. I rushed over and took it quickly as well as taking in the light before the slit was quickly shut. I looked down at the food seeing I had quite a bit more than what I had been getting. Part of me wanted to ask why I got so much, but I knew better than to ask that because I'd probably get it all taken if I questioned.

I ate up quickly savoring the taste of the soft bread and whatever kind of soup it was. Wrapped in the thick blanket still I couldn't help but wonder what Ben was doing at this moment in time, hell there wasn't really much else to do. I wondered if I'd see him today, I got butterflies thinking about it but shook my head. That wasn't Ben out there, it was Kylo Ren a murderous lunatic. I still couldn't help but think about how attractive he had become, loosing the little bit of chunk he had from his cheeks, growing his hair out. He was always a looker, but he morphed from this handsome dork, to a sexy dark sith lord.

I curled up into a ball on the small cot trying to keep warm, if you didn't die from the First Order they'll just have you fucking freeze to death! I sigh and try to sleep or something but nothing works.What felt like hours passed by and I was starting to loose it, I couldn't stay in here any longer. I need out of this place, NOW. I run up to the door starting to bang on it "Let me out!" I scream starting to feel the walls come close to me and constrain me "GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW!!" I continue to scream but nothing works. I fall in the floor rocking back and forth crying more screaming as well feeling so confined and insane for being there for so long. It didn't seem to help my situation at all, because nothing happened except for a storm trooper banging on the door telling me to shut up.

I cried silently just trying my best to keep calm, but nothing seemed to help. Where was he? Kylo Ren. Where was Ben? Even if he had no heart surely he wouldn't let me go insane in here right?

~Ben's POV~

I stood before Master Snoke as he spoke over different tactics we shall be taking due to General Hux's report. I nod in agreement and turn to leave but soon stop "What of this prisoner you've taken in?" I heard Snoke speak. I turn to him biting my lip thankful that my mask hid it "She is from your past no?" I nod slightly and look to him "She means nothing to me sir, I've brought he aboard to see if she has information over where the resistance might be, she and my mother were...quite close." I say waiting for his reply.

"Very well, I expect for her to not affect you and you mission." He said and soon vanished. I sighed heavily and took off to my room ignoring everything and everyone. She would not affect me, I cant have it. I go into my room and take my helmet off. I place in on a small shelf and look around sighing quietly. It was a fairly nice sized room, of course it was all black, but I did have grey sheets under my black duvet. A few built in shelves lined the side wall next to my closet and a desk sat across the room from my bed which was at the center. I go to my desk looking over some blueprints of tie fighters and what was needed to for their repairs. I growled as my door opened hearing a voice of a storm trooper say "Sir, General Hux sent me. The female prisoner you took....she screams, and she will not quiet down." he quickly left as I slammed my fist onto the desk yelling loud.

I quickly grabbed my mask putting it on and locking it. I swiftly left my room walking fast down the halls and down to the cells. I open hers without a word hearing the screams she was letting out, I could tell she was having a panic attack. I shook my head glancing down at her as she cried on the floor. She was so weak, and yet all I wanted was to hold her close and reassure her it was okay. No! I could never do such a thing. I think over what I should do with her pacing around her blocking out her pleading "Ben! Take me out of here please! Ben please!" she screamed at me "BEN IS GONE!" I yell and glare down at her taking my lightsaber from its hilt igniting it quickly and placing it near her face. Well that got her to shut up. I growl some and move it away putting it back on its hilt after turning it off. I go to the door opening it "Bring her to my room in an hour." I tell the guard and leave to tidy things up.

I realized I couldn't leave her in that cell again, she would just cause more trouble than anything. I'll still question her, just because she stays in my room for a night means nothing or maybe it did. I did like the thought of her in my arms again, like how it used to be. Maybe I could bring her over with me, we would make one hell of a duo. This is Max though, she might have a temper at times but always had a good heart. A great heart to be honest, that's why I fell for her all those years ago. No! Stop it! Keep to-fucking-gether Ben, she cant get in your head.


Hey everyone I updated!! Ive started back at school (booo) so I wont be on as much to update sadly xC Sad life, but oh well tell me what you all thing please! By the way once I have a better cover made up this book will have a different name (Probably something like Breaking Inside which is a song name by the band Shinedown, whom I love Lol, I think It kinda goes with the story plot better)

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