Chapter 7

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Leaving his siblings and friends, Peter followed Caspian as he led him through the corridors of Aslan's How.

"How have you been?" Peter asked.

"I didn't imagine being a king would be this hard." Caspian sighed "There's lots of things to consider. I'm amazed that you've ruled Narnia for thousands of years without getting this stressed out."

"Believe me, you have no idea." Peter joked.

It was a moment of silence until Caspian broke the quietness between them.

"How is Susan?" He asked.

"She's good, I guess." Peter looked at him "Aside from stop believing in Narnia, I think she haven't changed at all. She's still that annoying know-it-all. And atop of that, she misses you and Sara. Though she refuses to believe that she met you in Narnia."

"The Royal Council has been pushing me to find myself a queen. They even invited some princesses outside of Narnia to meet me and asked who I picked." Caspian groaned internally "It's hard to pick any of them when all I ever wanted is your sister."

"I understand how you feel. My mother has been wondering why I haven't got a girlfriend at this year of age. She just hasn't known that I'm married long ago." Peter chuckled.

Caspian laughed along. They were both happy to see each other again. If you look at them now, you won't believe me when I say that they used to hate each other more than anything.

"How's Sara?" Peter asked.

The happiness died down inside Caspian as he thought of the young girl in her coma.

"She hasn't changed a bit, still laying on a bed for seven years since the day you left." Caspian started with a sad voice, as if he was thinking of something painful to his soul "The fairies take care of her, making sure that she's okay. I visit her every time I have a chance and from what I see, she doesn't seem to age. Every time I look at her, I just wish that she would move, that she would wake up. Now you're back, I hope that she'll wake up soon. It's not easy seeing a dear friend in coma and realizing how helpless you are."

"I hope I can wake her up."

"You're the only one that can, Peter."

Peter was thrilled to see Sara again, to bury his head in the crook of her neck, to stroke her long black hair and place his lips on her soft ones. He wanted to tell her how much he missed her day and night, to whisper sweet nothings in her ears. The thoughts made him happy for the time being.

They reached a dead end, in the corner stood a mighty statue of the great Aslan, next to it was a stone scepter, an exact replica of Peter's. The High King looked confused, but without hesitation, Caspian pulled the scepter which turned out to be a lever. The wall cracked and moved apart, left a wooden door at where it used to be the dead end.

They then pushed the door and in front of them was a small stone room. The fireplace was burning bright in the corner of the chamber, bringing warmth to defeat the stone's coldness. Laid in the middle of the room was a simple small bed, and on it was Sara. Just like Caspian said, she looked like she hadn't age even a bit, her black hair spread over the pillow, her hands placed on her stomach, a small smile laid on her lips. Just like the day Peter left, she was the same.

But something was wrong. She hadn't woken up yet.

"Why is she still in a coma?" Peter asked.

"I don't know." Caspian was taken back as well "Aslan said she will wake up when you come back to Narnia."

"Then she's supposed to be awake by now. I've been in Narnia for three days now." Peter was worried, and so was Caspian.

Peter approached the bed and kneeled down, his hands took hers and caressed them. Tears pricked his eyes and threatened to fall, but he held them back. Caspian looked at the couple for awhile, envied how he loved her, and how she would return the love if she was awake.

"I'll give you some times alone." He said "I'll inform you when you're needed."

"Thank you, Caspian." Peter said.

He turned to leave, but he stopped and turned back one more time.

"And don't worry, she will wake up."

Not looking, but Caspian could feel Peter nodding behind him. And he left the High King alone and went to take care of other issues.

Peter stared at Caspian till he was out of sight, then he looked down at the sleeping figure in front of him. Opposite of the peaceful look on her face, his heart was beating uncontrollably because of happiness, sadness and anger. Happiness for he got to see her again, sadness for the pain in the chest when she hadn't woken up yet, and anger for how long he had left her here alone. His grip of her hands tightened as a tear slipped out from the corner of his eyes.

"Sara, it's me, Peter." He said "I'm back."

He kissed her hands.

"Wake up and welcome me home, love."

No response. She laid still, like she was dead.

"Please wake up, Sara." His voice cracked "Wake up so I can hug you and tell you how much I missed you and how much I love you. Wake up so I can wish you happy anniversary, like all couples do when they are in love. Wake up so I can kiss you on the lips and forget everything. Please, Sara, please wake up."

Much to his depression, she didn't move. Now he was afraid. What if she didn't wake up? What if she left him behind? No, she wouldn't, she promised that. She would always be by him, she promised that. She promised...

"You have to wake up, Sara." He cried "I love you. I love you so much. Please wake up. You can't leave me alone, you promised you wouldn't."

Tears rolled down his cheek and fell onto her palms. She laid still as the room filled with the cries of her most loved one. The flame was dancing in the fireplace despite the pain he was enduring in his heart. His tears stopped, but the pain didn't leave. It stayed, stubborn and hurtful.

Caspian came in and saw the heartbreaking sight: High King Peter kneeling next to the bed, his hands clasped her smaller one, a saddening smile playing on his lips as he told his unconscious lover stories about him and his family. Sometimes, a tear would run down his cheek, but he quickly wiped it away and returned to his story. Sometimes, tears would threaten to fall, but he blinked them away. Caspian didn't want to interrupt him, but he had to. It was important for him to intrude.

"Peter." He said softly.

Peter looked up and saw him.

"We're going to have a meeting with the councilmen, I wonder if you want to join."

"I'll go, wait for me outside." Peter said.

Caspian nodded and left the chamber. Peter turned back to Sara and kissed her forehead.

"Wake up soon, love." He whispered "If not for anyone, then do it for me. Just me."

Then, he left the chamber with a heavy heart.


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