Chapter 2 ~ Sister & Run Away Parents

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"Kate seriously let me in!"

"You have been in there all day. Kate stop fucking around!"

I burst threw the door and see my 14 year old sister laying on the ground. She had shot herself in the head. There was blood everywhere.

"KATE!" I scream, crying.

"Kate no please." I say to my self sitting next to her on the floor.

There was a note in her hand.


I'm sorry. I couldn't take living in this world anymore. No one loves me besides you. And I appreciate it but it just wasn't enough. I'm tired of not being good enough. I'm tired of being alone. But I want you to know that I love you. You were the only person that could ever make me smile. Goodbye.

Ps. Don't let mom and dad see this letter!




I scream. My eyes shooting open. That's the 3rd time I've dreamt of my sister this week. It has only been 7 months since my dearest sister has taken her life. The only person that kept me sane in the dreadful world is gone forever. I miss her so much.

I turn over to my night stand and open the top drawer. It has a false bottom, it's where I keep all my blades and my sisters suicide note. I grab her note, a blade and a wash cloth and begin to read and cut my wrist at the same time. Crying silently as I read my sisters words. I could hear her soft voice In my head as I read.

I heard a knock at my door so I quickly threw the stuff in the drawer and covered my arm again.

"Come in" I say sitting up in my bed.

"Honey I heard you scream are you ok?" My dad says sleepily. I stood silent.

"Kate?" He says touching my shoulder.

I nod my head and start to cry. He kisses my forehead and says good night then Leaves my room.

I take my arm out from under the covers and kiss my cuts.

"1 more week" I say to myself. Then drift off to sleep.


My mom woke me up at 7 am. Her and my dad are leaving for a vacation for a month and a half. She left me a car, $700 dollars cash and the key to my dads safe in case I need more money for a emergency. Seeing as warped tour is around the corner and I'm only in school for 2 more weeks. This is the best news I have gotten in a while. I kiss them good bye and hoped they would work out all their problems. There was something wired about this but I didn't care. I called Jaz and told her the news. She replied how she usually dose with a "I can't even" and told her to meet me at school. I was going to make this month and a half


So now I am sitting in my bio class, not paying attention as always, thinking it out. When this happens.

"Class we have a new student!"

"Hi I'm Tate"

A/N cliff hanger ? Lol sorry but I had to lol so there is something fishy about Sky's parents leaving so suddenly.. And for so long?! WTF?! But trust me it will all make sense:3 COMMENT/FAN/VOTE love you all! See you tomorrow :*

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