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AN: Hey! I come bearing an Update though is short, I can promise they'll get longer after this one.

In the car, Louis' eyes shifted mischievously between Niall and I.

It's clear he wasn't letting this go, and that doesn't surprise me in the least. He's always been persistent. It's a bane in our friendship sometimes.

But sadly there's no getting rid of Louis Tomlinson.

In the rear view mirror I could see the smirk on Louis lips, as he eyed Niall.

"Nice shirt, Ni." Louis commented, eyes flickering to mine in the mirror.

Niall laughs, "Oh this? This is Harry's, borrowed it off of'em."

"Ah." I could hear in Louis' tone how he revelled in this piece of information. I could also hear the huff of air he let out when he placed a grin on his face which I viewed through the mirror.

I don't like that look. It meant he was up to something, and not knowing what Louis was planning, was not a good thing.

"Yeah. I think I look better in it than Harry. Whattaya' think Harry?"

We were at a stop light so I had a moment to look over Niall. He was wearing my creme-coloured short sleeved button up, the one with the black dots on it. Glancing at the mirror, a devil-grinned Louis tilted his head, urging me to answer. I honestly dont know why Louis was so incessant about this.

It was fairly annoying.

"You look great, Ni."

"Thanks Har." Niall Said reaching a hand over and patting my cheek.

I swatted his hands away.

"Harry?" Louis called, "You hot bud? You're looking a little red."

"Would you look at that? The light's green."

Pressing my foot on the gas, I put in the car in drive, making Louis who was leaning forward get thrown back in his seat.

"Aye!" Louis shouts.

I smirk at him in the mirror, while Niall giggles in the seat over.

"Ah shut it Niall." Louis mutters.

I parked my car next to the sidewalk across the street from Tom's. We always stopped for Tea or Coffee in the morning before school when we had the time. Upon entering, Niall informs us that he has to use the bathroom. When Louis and I are seated I take this moment hound him with questions. "What was that about in the car?" I ask, the tone in my voice demanding he answer. I was leaned over the table, so that I could speak lowly. Louis flickered his stormy blue eyes at me, he smiled.

Shrugging his shoulders he answered; "I don't know what you mean, Harry."

I loved Louis he's been my best friend for almost as long as I have been with Niall, and he's always been testy and playful and is the owner of the world's sassiest and most sarcastic mouth.

"Louis you know what i'm talking about. You're still pursuing me with this Niall thing, aren't you?"

Louis scrunched up his lips and shrugs his shoulders. Not answering me verbally.

Niall has finally come out of the restroom and took a seat next to me at table, which Louis noted.

I shot him a glare.

After a waiter I came to take her our requests, the three of us sat in silence. Louis still pestering me with his sideway glances and Niall obliviously looking at his phone. We finally get our requests, I had gotten vanilla caramel creamed coffee, Niall his had gotten his regular hazelnut coffee and Louis had tea.

No noise escaping us but Louis' loud sips on his hot tea.

"So Niall? Got your eye on anyone? Anyone you might be interested in?" Louis asks.

Niall looks a bit caught off guard by the question, but ponders it leisurely, "not really, no?"

"No? Not even— let's say— someone close to you?"

Niall's thinks again, and furrows his eyebrow, smirking a little, "are you coming on to me Lou?"

Louis chokes on his tea mid-sip and I can't help but laugh.

"What the fu—" Louis pauses, glancing at me and the deeply interested look on my face. He smiles. "—was I that obvious?" Louis says timidly, dramatically he flutters his eyes a little.

Niall's expression matches my own.

What was he doing?

Louis laughs, "I'm kidding mate, I was just asking. But what about you Harry? Interested in anyone?"

I shook my head, flaring my nostrils in annoyance.

"I know this person, blond, blue eyes, Ir—"

I cut him off, "I think it's about time we head to school, yeah?"

Niall agrees, and Louis raises his hands in surrender.

Walking behind, I mutter to Louis, "you need to chill out!"

"You need to admit you like him."

"Why won't you just get it through your head Lou? I don't like Niall, we're
just friends."

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