Chapter 3

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"Fine." He plainly said.

I'm not overreacting am I?!

I mean this is MY flat so MY rules right?!

Its just that when Harry left this morning I realized that I'm just tired of being left in my life.... Alone.

People Always Leave Me.


I let out a few words I probably shouldn't have said.

I realized the knife had sliced a slightly deep gash on my middle finger.

"Ugh God I'm so clumsy!!" I looked at my finger and noticed it was bleeding like crazy. Some blood was on the carrots.

"Well we're not eating those carrots."

I saw a little more blood than what I would expect from a finger.

"Harry can you get me a bandaid.... Or duct tape what ever you find first."

I looked up expecting to see Harry smirking at the comment I just made, but instead find him lustfully staring at the knife with blood on it. And for a moment I could of swore I saw his green eyes turn dark red for a second.

"Harry are you oka--"

Harry violently pushed me into the cabinets that were behind me. It hurt so bad.

I tried to speak but nothing came out but squeaks of pain.

I was on the floor of the kitchen staring at Harry run out of the flat until my eyelids got so heavy that my vision went entirely black.

And again, for the second time today, I was alone.





I hate myself!!

I hate my life!

I hate what I am!!

And I hate. Hurting. Aubrey.

I want to go back and explain to her how sorry I am. But it won't change anything. If I tell her what I am she'll think I'm a monster for sure. I know I am but I thought she could see past that. I wanted her to. And even if I didn't tell her what I am, lying to her wouldn't change anything either.

I'm not going back.

I can't go back.

I'm hurting her.

She deserves better than me.





Oh my gosh!!!

Sorry short chapter but very important.

The next one will be long I promise!!

•comment and vote please<3

***love you all

~Stay Awesome

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