The Chase

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A/N- Everything in Italics is being spoken in Elvish.

It has been about a year months since I have came to middle earth. I figured out that most of the things that are in the movies are probably going to happen here. I have kind of gotten used to this world, but it seems like I learn something new every day. "Lib, I am getting really worried. They should be here by now." Arwen said as she paced the room. " We should go and look for them." I replied. Ada, what my brothers sister and I call Lord Elrond (Means 'Father' in elfish) looked up from the papers he was looking over. I bit into my apple, we were having breakfast. " what do you mean?" He asked with a concerned look. "I mean Arwen could ride to Bree and see if the Hobbits and Aragorn are still there. I could ride through the woods. I know them pretty good by now, so there would really be nothing for us to worry about. And if we didn't find them after 5 days we would both come back." I explained. He looked between Arwen and I and finally sighed. " Please!" Arwen and I both begged together. " Fine, but be careful." He told us. We both hugged him and went to the stabled to get ready to leave.Liberty's horse --- I walked up to my horse, Tavari. Her name means 'Spirit of the Woods'. I named her that because I found her in the woods a week after I came to Middle Earth. I have met alot of people, like Aragorn, since I have came here. I also know alot about Middle Earth. And I can also speak Elvish. I walked up to her and got on her back. I rode with Arwen until we came to the river. We said our goodbye's and went on our seperate ways.

-FF 2 days-

I have been riding for 3 days now, I haven't stoped since I left Rivendell. I hoped too find them soon, because I will have to go home tomorrow. I know that they are here, but I don't know exactly where. I do remember the movies, but over time I forget some of the things. Like the little details and faces. But it is getting harder to remember. I looked across the forest in front of me as I could hear voices of men I did not recognize. They seemed to be panicking. But there was one voice that I did recognize. I smiled to myself as I rode towards the voices. I took out my sword as I pointed it at an unexpecting mans neck. "What's this?" I asked "A ranger caught off his guard?" I joked. He looked up at me from the plant he was picking. "The Hobbit that has the ring is hurt. We must get him to your father." He said as he stood. I followed Aragorn to a group of four Hobbits I knelt down to the one that was laying on the ground, obviously hurt. "My name is Liberty, I am here to help you. Stay with us, Frodo Baggins." I said. I heard one of the others whisper "Who is she?" And another answer in a voice full of wonder "She's an Elf" Aragon lifted Frodo onto Tavari's back. "Stay with them, I will send horses for you once I reach Rivendell." He told me. "No, I will go. I am the faster rider." I said. He pondered what I had said, and knew that I was right. "Be careful, the Ringwraiths are after us. Ride fast." He told me. I nodded and jumped onto Tavari's bare back. I looked back at the man that I considered a brother and rode of. We rode out of the forest and across plains. With every moment I could feel him fade a little bit more, and if we didn't get there soon he would turn into a Wraith himself. I heard a screach as the Nazguel had finally caught up with us. "Faster, Tavari!" I said to my horse. She quickened her pace a little as we entered another forest. We raced through the trees and jumped over logs to outrun the nine black riders. A branch cut my face as we ran. We finally reached the river that was just outside of Rivendell. I turned around as I almost reached the other side. The Nazgual hated water, and would not cross easily. "Give us the halfling, she-elf!" The Witch King shouted. I took  out my sword and yelled back "If you want him, come and clame him!" They started to run across the river, so I chanted a spell in Elvish that Ada had taught me. I heard the river start to roar as a great wave in the shape of running horses came around the bend and carried away the Ringwraiths. I started to smile until I felt the life start to fade from Frodo. "No!" I said as I lowered him to the ground. I held him in my arms and said "Whatever life I  have, give it to him." I said and I felt myself start to get weak. I passed out as a group of riders came up to us. 

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