Council Meeting

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I woke up and found my Ada, Arwen, and Aragorn sitting around my bed. "Is he alright?" I asked in a weak voice. All of them turned to look at me. "He will wake up any time now" Ada said "Good thing your finally awake. Allot of people were asking for you." Aragorn said as he shared a glance with my sister and they both smirked. "Who was asking for me?" I asked. I don't really know anybody out of Rivendell. The only other places I have really been are Lothlorien with Ada and Arwen and Rohan with Aragorn. "A council has been called. Men from Gondor and Elf's of Mirkwood are here, along with some Dwarfs." Ada answered my question. "Why would they be asking for me?" I asked. They are probable all important people, but I'm not that well known, right? "Well Lib, you are kind of famous around Middle Earth. You did live in another world for 18 years. You are incredibly smart and a great fighter. Not to mention that you are known for having beauty that rivals the Lady Galadriel." Arwen explained to me. I know that I'm not that great. I was about to protest when there was a knock at the door. Aragorn got up and answered it, letting Gandalf in. I smiled at him and he smile back at me. "Good to see your awake. Frodo is asking for you." He told me. I nodded and got up while the others left. I got dressed into this: . I went out of my room and found Gandalf waiting for me. "I'll walk with you." he said as he offered me his arm. I accepted it with a smile as he led me to the the little hobbits room. I have always thought of Gandalf as a Grandfather figure. "I think I can remember what is going to happen." I told him. He looked at me and nodded for me to go on. "After the council a group of people will leave on a quest to destroy the ring. I can remember some of the things on the way as well. I want to go. I can fight, and if I remember anything else it could be useful.". "I think you would also be quite helpful on this quest. I will talk to your father about it." He told me with a smile. I smiled back and let go of his arm as I opened the door to the Hobbits room after knocking and hearing a muffled "Come in." from the other side. I opened the door and saw the hobbit that I helped the previous day laying on the bed. I smiled at him as I came in the room and he returned the gesture. "You asked to see me?" I asked him. "I wanted to thank you for what you did for me." He said. "Your welcome. I was glad to help. How are you feeling?" I responded as I took a seat on the end of his bed. "Allot better. I just can't wait to get rid of this ring." He said while looking down. I got up and walked towards him. I keeled beside the bed and lifted his chin . "Frodo, you are one of the strongest people that I know, and I know that you will be able to do anything you put your mind to. And I promise that I will stay by your side until you complete this journey or until you dismiss me." I said looking strait into his eye's they were really pretty. "Thank you!" He said as he attacked me in a hug. I chuckle as I hug him back while we both fall backwards onto the floor. We looked at each other and both started to laugh. Just then Aragorn walked in. We looked at him and he looked down at us. He opened his mouth but closed it again. "I'm not even going to ask." He mumbled. That earned a chuckle out of Frodo and I. "Well it's time to go to the meeting. Gandalf will be back to pick you up, Frodo. But I am going to escort Liberty." I smiled and said goodbye to Frodo. Aragorn and I made our way to the council, my hand on his arm.

We met up with Gandalf on the way and he told us that Ada approved after a long 'discussion'. I smiled at this and told Aragorn of what is going to happen. He told me that he would go too. I smiled at this. We walked into the place where the meeting was and everything went quiet. I felt everyone's eyes on me as we reached our seats. Aragorn was beside an Elf with gold hair. He was quite good looking. And I was beside a larger seat that my father would be sitting in. Then their were two more seats for who I assume would be Frodo and Gandalf. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw that beside them were the dwarfs that were half staring and half glaring at me. I never really liked dwarfs. Then beside them were the men. From Gondor I suppose. The were kind of eyeing my up and also looked a little mad. Then beside them were the Elf's of Mirkwood. They looked like they were debating on weather or not to get up and bow. I smiled a little to myself. But I was getting rather uncomfortable. Aragorn lifted his arm and put it around my shoulders, giving the others a warning glance. He was always protective of me. I smiled at him as if saying thanks after the others turned away. But I could still see them occasionally sneaking a glance at me. I wanted to start a conversation with Aragorn, but not while it was quiet like this. Thank god Gandalf, Frodo and Ada arrived and finally started the council. 

"Strangers of distant lands, friends of old. You have all been summoned here to answer the great threat of Mordor. Middle Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it, you will unite or fall. Ada spoke. "It's a gift." One of the men from Gondor said as he stood. "A gift from Mordor. Why not use this ring? Long has my father, steward of Gondor, kept the armies of Mordor at bay. With the blood of our people are your lands kept safe." He said. I that I could think was 'Bull'. "You cannot wield it." I said. "None of us can." Aragorn finished for me. "What does a mere ranger and an Elith know of this matter." He stated. I was about to get up, bet the Elf sitting next to Aragorn beat me to it. "This is no mere ranger! This is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance. And this is no simple Elith. This is Liberty, daughter of Lord Elrond." He looked over at me once he finished. I give a small smile as if to say thank you. Aragorn just put his head down as if he was ashamed. The elf sat down. I lent over to Aragorn and whispered "Be proud." in his ear. He picked his head up and smiled at me and I smiled back. I heard the man scoff so I turned to him a glare that could have killed. He looked away and I smirked. (A/N I'm gonna skip through some of this because I'm too lazy to type it lol.)

I sat in my seat as everyone else, besides Gandolf, Frodo, and Aragorn, were standing around fighting with each other. "I will take it!" Frodo tried to shout over the crowd. I looked over at him, along with everyone else that was here. "I will take the ring to Mordor. Though I do not know the way." he said again. "I will help you bare this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bare." Gandalf said as he stood behind Frodo. "I will protect you, Frodo, until the day that I die. You have my sword." Aragorn said while taking his place beside Gandalf. I stood from my seat and walked over to Frodo. I kneeled in front of him and said "I made a promise to you. And I intend to keep it." I smiled at him and a smile lit up his whole face. I took my place beside Aragorn. A couple people looked worried and surprised, and some angry, but if they don't approve of me than they can just go die in a hole for all I care. "You have my bow." Said the blond elf as he came and stood on my other side. "And my axe." A gruff voice of one of the dwarfs said. Even though I tried not to show it, my smile faltered a little. I mean, a dwarf... just what we need. note the sarcasm. "If it is the will of the council, Gondor will see to it." The same man as before said as he took his place  with the rest of the group. I don't think that I am going to be too big of a fan of him. "Well, Mr.Frodo's not goin' anywhere without me." A hobbit said as he came out of a bush and stood in front of Gandolf and beside Frodo. "Well we're commin' too!" Another voice said as two more hobbits came out from behind a pillar. One stood in front of me, and the other was beside him, in front of the blond elf. "Yeah, your gonna be needin' someone of intelligence on this mission... quest... thing." The one in front of me exclaimed. "Well that rules you out, Pip.' Said the other. I smiled down at them. "Eleven companions, you shall be the Fellowship of the Ring." Ada said to us. "Great!" Said the Hobbit that was in front of me before asking "So, where are we goin'?" I chuckled a little, and I saw the blond elf smile at me from the corner of my eye. "Mordor, Pip." The other hobbit answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2013 ⏰

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