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I saw a bright light coming towards me and it eventually stopped right in front of me. As the light dimmed, I could see a woman that looked young and beautiful, but her eyes told me otherwise. They looked old and full of wisdome. She had long golden hair and pointed ears. She looked kind of familiar. "Be prepared, child. Everything you know is about to change." She said as she started to fade. Well that was strange...


I woke up just like every other morning. Well, thats what I thought until I looked around. I wasn't in my room anymore. The whole room was white and had a whole wall that was just a window. I kinda started panicking inside. But that was nothing comparedd to the mini heart attack that I had when I saw the odly dressed old guy sitting in a chair beside my bed. I must have jumped about 3 feet in the air. I heard him let out a little chuckle. Then he began to speak. "I am Gandalf the Grey. I bet you are pretty confused." I just looked at him with a blank look on my face and nodded a yes. I'm kinda shy, so I don't realy talk much until I get used to people. "Well, you are currently in Rivendell. This is the house of your real father, Lord Elrond. Now you might be wondering what I am talking about. Well, when you were a small child, around 2 or 3, a and tried to kill you. So in order to keep you safe we sent you to your former world. We have killed the man that was trying to kill you before. But I talked your family into leting you stay in the other world until you  died. Any questions?". What? Then it clicked that this was just like in one of my favorite movies, Lord of the Rings. I was about to tell him about the movie in my world when the door opened and a woman who I recognized as Arwen came running in and stated hugging me. I slowly returned the hug. Well, if what Gandalf said was right then I guess she is my sister. After a whhile she finally let go. I looked up at her and saw that she was crying  a little bit. "Oh, we missed you so much! I can't beleive your back. We weren't really expecting you for a while but I'm just glad your here. Oh! I forgot to tell you who I am. I'm your older sister Arwen. But I already know who you are. I see you have met Gandalf. This is our fater, Lord Elrond." She said as she motioned to the door. I saw a man, well elf i guess, standing in the door way he had a serious look. I smiled at him shyly, and to my suprise he smiled back. I looked back at Arwen who was also beaming at me. Well, I don't know about these people but for me this is a little awkward.I bit my lip and started to pick at my nails. I always did that when I was nervous. "If you don't mind my asking, what happened to you." Arwen asked. I looked at her confused. "I mean, how did you die." She specified. "Arwen-" Lord Elrond started but I cut him off. "It's ok." I said, and then explained about the accident. They all looked pretty shocked. Lord Elrond and Gandolf both left a little while later and I spent the rest of my day with Arwen.



Hey thanks for reading! This is my first story on Wattpad so sorry if it isn;t any good. The first two chapters were kind of a filler so they should start to get a little bit better. Please Comment and Vote!

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