Chapter 1 Newborns

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Chapter 1 Newborns

Quietly as the sun sunk lower in the sky, a seven year old girl made her way through the Forbidden Forest. Skillfully but urgently she followed her father's trail through the forest.

She knew she had to find him as soon as possible.

Her mother needed him. The midwife had said so.

She crouched by a rock with ripple like circles carved into it and peeked around it carefully. Clutching the small bow and arrow her mother had given her for her 6th birthday to her chest.

She grinned as she watched the tree by the water hole flick out it's tongue and catch a bird; it quickly drew it back into it's mouth and ate it, burping.

She shook her and smiled,

'Why am i being so paranoid?' She thought to herself sighing, 'i can't waste any time... But then again you never know with the Forbidden Forest.'

She stood and straightened out her blue sleeveless tunic, under the tunic she wore a quarter length sleeved light pink shirt and skin tight grey pants.

She looked around once more and kept walking almost jogging, trying to make as little noise as possible.

She knew it was better to be quiet then draw attention to herself here. Plus her father would hear her coming, he would not approve of that after teaching her so much.

He'd been teaching her since she was little how to survive in the Forest and learn how to understand Ayden's signals. Together Ayden and her father taught her what could hurt you and what could heal you.

But since the accident last year after her sixth birthday, he'd gotten serious in teaching her how to listen to the world around her and how to defend herself.

She frowned and touched her now blind left eye under her bangs, remembering the accident that took it's sight.

While her left was a milky blueish white, a deep scar running across the now useless eye, her right eye was a light almost amber colored brown; just like her mother's eyes.

She stopped and braided her brown almost black hair, quickly pulling her long bangs over her useless left eye and the scar on her temple; completely hiding both.

Suddenly a branch snapped behind her, she stood up straight and sight. Only a human would make such a careless noise.

She turned quickly and drew back her bow, pointing at the source of the sound.

"Who's there?" She asked harshly.

"Don't shoot!" A boy's voice said from a bush.

"...Come out." She demanded softly.

The bushes rustled and she winced at how much noise he was making, as a boy a little older then herself came out with his hands up. She looked him up and down sizing him up with her one good eye.

The boy's hair was shaggy and seemed to stick up in all directions and ended around his chin. His eyes and hair were the same deep brown color and he gave her a lopsided smile and laughed nervously.

"What's your name? Why are you here?" She asked, the bow still pointed at him.

"I could ask you the same thing..." He said and she drew the arrow back farther.

"Okay! Okay!" He said slightly panicked, "My name is Quinn. I came here because i heard about the healing plants that grows here. My sister... She's sick, she'll die without it."

Quinn's face was worried and her expression softened. She started to lower her bow but then she suddenly lifted it up again and shot a arrow next to his foot.

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