Chapter 5

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Hi guys :) just a warning, the next few chapters will be focusing on Hannah and school and that sort of stuff... Harry will definitely be in it a lot more, enjoy.

H. xx


I woke up in a dark room, this was not where I went to sleep.... Did Harry move me?  

I rolled over to look at the time and instead hit something hard, a body. He must have gotten into bed with me while I was asleep, it's not that I was complaining its just that we had only really met a few hours ago and he is half naked in MY bed!  

I carefully reached over his sleeping body trying not to wake him as I felt around for my phone, when I finally found it I saw that it was WAY past the time I would usually wake up! Dammit he must have hit snooze before I could hear it! Shit I'm already going to be late it's 10am! Why didn't he tell me!

I quickly got up and went to have a shower, I washed my hair and body and shaved the small hairs that had grown over the past few days, I turned the tap off much to my displeasing and stood my feet onto the cold tiles, I quickly grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body to try and get some heat into me. I got my clothes on and dried my hair and applied some make up and as soon as I was done I grabbed what I needed for school and rushed out of the house, I just hope harry doesn't get to much of a surprise when he wakes up and I'm not in the room with him anymore, I really should have left a note....  

I got to school 10 minutes later and I probably looked like death, after all I had stayed up late last night with Harry... I rushed to class and excused myself for being late and took my usual seat next to Katja at the back "hey why are you so late" she whispered trying while looking forward trying to not drag attention to herself "Uhm well harry actually came yesterday! So I site of stayed up really late just watching movies and then he hit-" I was suddenly cut short by my teacher, Mr Harding "Miss ward! Was I interrupting your conversation?" He asked in a harsh tone "u-um no sir. S-sorry." I said while I looked down to hide the embarrassment rising towards my face.. "well then, if you don't mind i would like to ge back to teaching MY lesson" by this time every one in the class was watching me and i couldn't help but feel hot tears prick the back of my eyes, i know it might sound childish but ever since Hazel passed away i have been really sensitive and people need to just lay off. "What was that Hannah!" he said with anger boiling in his eyes "pardon sir? i didnt say anything?" confusion thick in my voice "You have earned your self and after school detention and a trip to the principles office! that is no way to speak to a teacher!" i turned to Katja in hope for some answers but she was just staring at me with wide eyes, she started to lean towards my ear and whispered what i had done to make him so angry.... I had just told the teacher to fuck off.......... shit

i got up and grabbed my belongings before making my way to the front of the classroom and then out the door. as i was walking down the corridor towards the principles office i contemplated whether i should just go home and say that i was sick, but then i decided not to, i don't really need to be in any more trouble than what i already am.....

I took in a deep breath before raising my hand to knock on the cold wooded door, Mr Tims (principle) answered with a smile on his face "Ah Hannah! its good to see you again!" he was always so chirpy, i just loved it "yea, hi sir..." i tried not to make eye contact with him, this would just make it worse.... "What happened? did you get it trouble" he said in a joking tone, i wasn't usually the one to get into trouble, i kept my head down and silently nodded, i looked up and i could see the shock on his face "what could you have possible done to get into trouble! you are one of the best mannered kids i have had in my office!" 

"u-um i mi-ight have told a teacher to F off...." i say while trying to not think about the consequences.

when i decided to look up to make eye contact his eyes were filled with disappointment and he was shaking his head 

"this is not like you Hannah! what on earth would have made you done that!" he asked while raising his voice

'i don't know sir, i was just talking to my friend and then he started to embarrass me and i just didnt take it well.." i hope i wont get in to too much trouble......

"this is not acceptable, I'm sorry but you are going to have to go back to him and apologize and i will be looking at calling your mother." he said while shaking his head "go back to class now, don't want you to miss anything to important" 

i sighed and walked out of the room..... please don't call my parents i thought over and  over until i reached the familiar door of my History room..

i spent the rest of the lesson in silence just trying to not cry... when the bell went to signal the end of the lesson i quickly grabbed my stuff and walked out of the room just trying to escape this place. I could hear Katja calling out my name but i decided not to turn around, i would just call her later and apologize, i just couldnt face anyone right now.

*** (at home)

i walked through the door to see Harry sitting on the couch watching a re-run of friends that i had seen multiple times, i set my bag down beside the couch and sat down 

"Hey Hannah, how was school?" Harry asked turning his head away from the television

"yea it was good, i was late to classes though....."

"oh, i totally forgot that i was at your house this morning, i only turned the alarm off by habit. i wanted to wake you but you looked tired last night and i thought it would be best that you slept....."

"its ok, just dont do it again. i dont want to have to kick you out" i say in a joking tone

"haha i won't" he replies with a smirk.

im Happy that we are getting along, im just really excited for next week! 

"Well im going to go pack my room up and put everything away from school" and with that i walked up to my leaving Harry to do as he likes, after all, it is his holiday here.....


hi there :) i'm really sorry fo the crap chapter........ i ad massive writers block and didnt get much sleep last night im going to make and extra long and good one next update :) 

i would just like to thank the people reading and voting for my fanfic! i already have 10 votes! WOW i also have gotten over 100 reads, you honestly all have no idea how much this means to me, so thank you all very much. if you like the story please vote and comment and also follow me :)

H. xx

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