Chapter 8

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Hey there guys :) I honestly am so sorry about how this story is turning out! I had no intention of it being this boring but one thing I can promise is that I have planned out the next 5 chapters and I think it is going to start getting interesting because they are FINALLY going on the trip :) oh and there is going to be a bit of a plot twist soon so keep reading! Ily guys ;)

H. xx


Louis POV ( wow wHaT! Ikr it's Louis bitches )

I walked into the school halls and passed the many lockers until I came to the familiar number of 235, I set my books in the small metal box and slowly made my way towards my first class. The halls were completely empty when I turned the final corner in the school, this was probably because I was once again late because of a massive hangover I was now trying to get over, I can't remember all of the details from last night but I do remember one thing, I got absolutely shit faced....

*flashback from night before*

I walked through the dark room full of sweaty teenage bodies to get to the bar and get more shots. I was the legal age to drink but all of my friends still have just under a year so I usually went out alone, but not tonight. There was a girl in the year above me called Joyce, she's pretty cool but we don't really talk that much since I'm a year 11 and she is year 12 but we still get together every now and then. I was sitting at home a few hours earlier when my phone started to buzz and Joyce's name popped up, I wondered how she got my number but still picked up 

"Hey there Louis!" She said with a bit too much enthusiasm, something was up..

" um yes hi Joyce what did you call for?"

"Wwweeeelll you see I'm at this club in town and I wanted to know if you would like to join me because y friends ditched me and you seem pretty cool."

"But it's Thursday night? I don't think I should go out....." I say as more of a question

"C'mon stop being such a geek and come PARTYYYYYY" her high pitch voice screeches thought the speaker

"Ok fine I give up but I will only be out for a few hours and I'm not getting drunk!" 

Little did I know that 5 hours later I would be standing at a bar grinding shamelessly on a girl that I didn't even know. My vision was getting kind of blurry and my throat was burning from all of the alcohol I had consumed in such a short amount of time. The girl I was dancing with, Michelle I think her name is? Turned her body around and I pushed my leg in the middle of her legs and once again ground our crotchets together causing a small whimper to come out of the girls mouth, my next actions were completely out of my mind I don't even know what came over me but I suddenly crashed my lips onto hers and instantly found her tongue with mine, she broke the kiss to bring her mouth up to my ear and whisper "let's go back to my place so we can continue this" then latched her lips onto my neck and began to suck and bite in different places and I instantly gave in and practically dragged her out of the club.


My head is pounding and I have no idea where I am. Why am I naked? Who is this girl next to me? How much did I drink last night? I had so many questions going through my head but my headache was starting starting to get worse from all the thinking that I was doing. I quickly cleared my thoughts and rolled out of the unknown bed and tried to find all of my clothes that were now scattered across this mysterious red heads bed room. Once I had put all if my clothes back on and found everything that I had on me while I was at the club I walked out trying to be as quite as I could so I wouldn't wake the sleeping girl, I can't believe that I did this I mean it's totally out of my character I usually hate to disrespect women! I sighed and started to walk down the hot summer air towards my house....

Hannah's POV

Where's Louis? It's already 3rd period and he still hasn't shown up! I swear if he just here by 5th I'm gonna really give it to him tomorrow when we leave for the trip..... We were supped to be finally planning the last details like who was going to pay forte petrol and food since we were going for just over a week.... just as the thouht had left my mind a tired looking Louis barges into the room and quickly takes his seat 

"Why are you so late!" was my first question i asked "I thought you ditched me i cna't believe you Lou!"

"I know, i know iim sorry Hannah i honestly didnt mean to i just over slept..." I don't think thats the full truth but im just going to leave it because im starting to get angry and dont want to ruin the upcoming trip. 

The rest of the day went past with many conversations about the road trip and us trying to fill in the missing gaps, finally by 6th period we had everything planned  out and we were ready for what was to come.... the only thing i wasnt looking forward to was the early wake up......


Im so sorry for the short chapter and the crap updating i have been doing lately i just haven't been focusing and lots of things have been happening in my life :( i promise that the next chapter will be EXTRA long and it will hopefully be up next week because its going to be that long ;) if you like the story so far please vote and comment it means so much to me :)

im gonna be a bitch once again and ask for 1 vote? i know it can be done ;) i believe in you guys (maybe lol) so yea 1 vote and i will either put a teaser up or if im ready a fullllll chapter :) 

k im rambling.... sorry guys haha bye <3

H. xx

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