Chapter 7

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(The shitty chapter is explained in the end! I'm not just being a bitch [jk I am ;)] ok so keep reading....)


I walked into school at the early time of 8:30 while yawning and trying to fix my uniform up, looking down at my clothed body i couldnt help but sigh at the unatractive cloth that covered my body and made me look like i was wearing a sack.


i walked into the Library to get out of the morning heat and met my new found friend, Louis.......... yea he isnt actually as bad as what i thought he has sort of been groing on me....... but only in a big brother way, it would be very awkward to date him considering his 'thing' with Ashleigh...... When the bell went we all went our separate ways to our different classes just waiting for the bell to go in 2 hours time...


After the bell the people going on the trip all met up and walked up to our school oval just to do the usual things that pubescent teens do.... Gossip and text each other random shit....... Well at least that's what we do haha.... Anyways we were sat on the oval when a group of boys in our year walked up to us.... I think I roughly know some of their names but I'm not sure, there was about 7 different boys with one holding a soccer ball between them, to our surprise they actually walked up the the boys in our group..... Non of us could believe this was happening, I mean sure we weren't like nerds or

Something but its not like people from other groups approached us... That's just how our school was. The boys all sat around us and just started conversation so I thought I would whip out my phone and send Louis a quick text

'What the fuck are they doing here Lou? We were trying to have a private Convo here.., well me and the girls were! Make them leave! Go play soccer with them :) enjoy urself'

I send quickly, within minutes I got my reply

'Um I don't know about that Hannah... I can't play soccer for crap, buuutttttt I will see if the other boys wanna give it a go? Yea?'

I looked up from my phone and gave Louis a quick nod telling him to get the 'other' group away....

The rest of our lunch was sown laughing at Louis, Zayn and Niall trying to play soccer while Liam stayed behind just joining in on our conversations.... He was always nice like that, he's a keeper.


After lunch we made our way back into the busy halls of our school, that's when I felt it.... A sharp pain suddenly shot through my right arm and when I looked down I was blessed with the sight of sticky red liquid coming out of a gash on my forearm "what the actual fuck!" I say to myself and look around for someone that could possibly do suck a stupid thing.... My eyes locked onto the one, the only.... Kimberly.


Hey guys :) sorry for the short half- chapter thingo.... I wanted to try something new this time :D (cheers for me) ok so I know this wont work but I am gonna ask for a very small amount of reads for me to update my next chapter? Ok so I don't want a lot we are just going to start off with 10 reads! I know you can do it! (That was to my 1 reader. -_-) and I will try not to update until I reach 10 reads then I will give you the rest of the chapter!

If you like the story so far please vote and comment it means so much to me :) thank you all <3

H. xx

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