chapter 9

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Hi guys so here is the long chapter as i promised. it took me AGES to write and there are probably heaps of spelling mistakes but oh well :) 

i hope you like it.




"Hannah! wake up its time to go!" I groaned and slowly lifted up my head to see that it was already 6:50.... "Shit!" I screamed suddenly feeling wide awake, I still had to get ready and have a shower and i only had 10 minutes! why didn't Harry wake me up! 


I sighed slightly as Harry and I walked out the front door and into the awaiting van out the front of our house, I had managed to get ready in just under 10 minutes I just hope that I haven't forgotten anything since I was in such a rush...... I mentally listed the needed things for the trip into my mind as Harry helped me into the very tall car that i was struggling to even get into, by the time that i had gotten myself set up in the car and had set my music and everything up we were already on the road and heading to our destination. I was sat at the back next to Harry and i could feel my eyelids getting heavy there was a slight humming coming from Harry's throat as we slowly passed through the different country towns, every second that passed my eyes got droopier and droopier and eventually i just couldn't hold them up anymore, the last thing that i heard before i went to sleep was "Get some sleep Hannah, you need it love" 

We had just arrived at the beach but I knew that there was something different about it, I wasnt here with my friends but i was here alone. I could feel my body being drawn into the calm water and i slowly walked up to the froth that was formed by the soft waves, i stepped my feet into the water and felt the coldness rush up my legs, in my mind i knew i shouldnt be going deeper but my body wouldnt stop i started to walk into the water almost as if the waves were calling me. Before i knew it the water was over my head and i was struggling to keep afloat, the waves were getting rougher and the skies were turning grey but i still kept swimming out. My body felt like it was about to give up, i couldnt swim anymore it was getting to tough for my muscles, it wasnt very long until i gave up and just let my body start to sink. 

I shot up form my seat struggling for air and grasped onto the nearest thing to  me which just so happened to be Harry. 


I was just sitting in the car looking out the window when suddenly BAM Hannah grabbed onto my crotch as tight as she could and pushed down really hard, without being able to stop the noise from coming out of my mouth a small screech came up from my lungs as i hunched over in the seet trying to stop the pain rushing to my lower area. As soon as everyone came to the realisation of what had just happened Louis stopped the car and helped me out so i could stretch a little, for the whole time that we were stopped Hannah was non-stop apologizing and saying that she didnt mean to, it was kind of cute actually...... apart from the fact that my little harry was aching. 


We were back in the car and about 10 minutes away from the beach, i could smell the salt in the air and lets just say i was getting excited. Back in England it is very rare to have such a beautiful beach that you are able to go to at any time so this was special for me... Louis turned the music up and started to sing rather off key to  new pop song playing and soon we had all joined in.


"C'MON!" i screamed at this stupid piece of plastic i was trying to put up, we were on the beach and setting up our tents in the Forrest right next to it and everyone Else had managed to set theirs up and were in the water or on the sand but i wasnt so good at this. Hannah had stayed back with me and she wasnt much help.... all she's doing is laughing her ass of at my clumsiness, i have tripped over this stupid thing over 20 times now and am sporting some pretty good cuts and bruises but she didn't mind. Hannah finally gave up and walked over to where i was to help me put the tent up, finally putting me out of my suffering. 

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