Chapter Fourteen

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Richard only got a quarter through his story before Alex was sound asleep. He watched as Alex's small chest rose and fell with his breath and wondered would he have a boy like his sister's sons or perhaps a girl, like Cecilia? The more he contemplated the thought of being a Father the more he realized he was not at all adverse to the idea. Alex was a bright boy and certainly had a bright future ahead of him. Suddenly their conversation earlier ran through his mind and Richard knew he must leave now if he had any chance of finding his Anna.

As he reached the front door Annabelle stopped him. "Richard, where are you headed?" 

Donning his cape and gloves he smiled nonchalantly saying, "I guess that nap this afternoon worked a little too well. I am too awake to entertain the idea of sleep and so I thought a stroll might do me good."

"At this hour?" Annabelle looked at him as if he were daft.

"I am a big boy, sister dear, and it is only nine thirty. By the way you talk you would swear it were nearly a quarter to ten." He teased.

"Fine," she said in a huff, "go we have no room for sarcasm in this household." Annabelle practically shoved him out the door.

"I am off dear sister of mine," he said giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "Do not bother to wait up for me. I shall return, I promise."

Richard knew London like the back of his hand spending most of his youth here when attending school. He wandered through the streets. Soon he would be approaching Jasper Street. Richard knew he had no right to impose or intrude on her life. Anna had made it quite clear to his sister that she preferred not be found. That hurt just a little. Perhaps he was fooling himself in hoping that she held feelings for him?

In truth, he could not explain why he had the desire to seek her out. What would he do if he found her? What did he expect would happen? He found when posed with these questions he really did not care. His heart had only one demand and that was to see her, just this once before he was married, now that he was forced to give her up forever.

"Thank you," he heard someone say, the woman's voice was familiar. She had just purchased flowers from woman on the street. As she moved on Richard also approached the beggar woman and bought a single rose, while trying to keep the woman with the auburn hair in sight.

"If love is true it will be yours tonight." The beggar woman had prophesized. "From your lips to God's ears." Richard said to the old woman giving her a gold coin for her troubles. "Bless you sir! Bless you!" The woman gushed.

Richard had no time to respond for the woman he was following turned the corner and out of sight. He sprinted after her afraid he may lose her but as he rounded the corner he sighed in relief. There she was giving some coins to another pan handler in exchange for some candles. From his vantage point he could see her profile, it must be his Anna, he must not let her out of his sight again.

Juliana wore her new dress she had bought before her trip to London. She liked it because it made her feel bold and daring. Earlier she had bought herself some wine and roasted chicken, which awaited her at home. She had just got herself an armful of wild flowers and some beeswax candles. She felt like celebrating tonight for she believed that with Richard gone and married she would finally be rid of her childish notions of love and happily ever after. Soon she would start her new life as a businesswoman, artist and maybe even gallery owner. The idea brought a smile to her lips.

She turned the next corner and stopped in front of the third house, her house. She had a home. Now that was something to be happy about and nothing and nobody could ruin that for her.

"Good Evening," came a male voice far too close for comfort.

Juliana screamed. Her flowers and candles thrown into the wind. She had thought she was alone. She knew no one on this street.

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