Chapter Seventeen

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"Dead? My God!" Annabelle gasped as she leaned on her husband for support.

"When did it happen?" Cyril asked.

Richard looked dazed. Looking at the postmark he said, "It has been several days now." Richard could not believe Cecilia was gone, but that also meant... "I need to sit down," Richard said, his strength leaving him when thinking of his child.

Annabelle led Richard back to the parlor. Cyril followed.

"Cyril, could you please get me the brandy from your den," Annabelle requested. Cyril nodded. He believed that with tidings such as these they could all use a stiff drink. As Cyril entered the hall there was a knock on the door.

Juliana was not surprised to see the shocked look on Cyril's face at her presence but she had her reasons for being here. "Cyril, may I come in?"

Cyril looked briefly at the closed doors of the parlor before resting his eyes on Juliana again. "Now, is not really the best time for a visit," Cyril stumbled feeling odd turning Juliana away but the family was in crisis. Juliana's presence would just make things far more complicated.

"Please Cyril, is Richard... is he still here?" Juliana asked wondering if her actions of last night caused distress to the family as Cyril is leaving her to stand on the doorstep.

"Yes, he is and Annabelle is with him. I do not believe I could tear her away at this moment. Perhaps tomorrow or later this afternoon would be better." Cyril looked awfully nervous for a man that was usually no-nonsense.

"Cyril is something wrong?" Juliana asked. "I am sorry if anything I have done or said has upset your household it was not my intention I assure you."

Cyril just looked at Juliana confused. "No, Juliana it was nothing you have done. It is just..." he was not sure how to finish his statement.

"Please Cyril, I have to see Richard it is imperative that I talk with him. I may have done something rash."

Cyril was surprised she was here to see Richard and not Annabelle. He knew by the determined look on Juliana's face that she would stand on his doorstep until Richard had to leave so he invited her in but led her to the den. He grabbed the brandy decanter and a few glasses. "Stay here," he told her, "and I will see if Richard will see you." He left in such a hurry she did not get to find out what was troubling him.

Juliana could not believe the ache she had in her head. Well, that is the price to pay for all the wine she imbibed. When she awoke this morning she had no recollection of how she had managed to get into bed. It wasn't until she put the kettle on for tea that she had spotted her flowers, the wildflowers she had purchased from the old woman in the street and nestled among them was a rose, a beautiful and perfect red rose. Then the evening's events came flooding back to her. So startled by her memories she dropped her teacup and it came smashing to the floor. She knew then and there she had to find Richard, hoping beyond hope she didn't do anything rash as there was a large blank in her memory of the evening, and she was dressed only in her chemise when she awoke.

Cyril returned to the parlor and began to pour a rather large tumbler full of brandy for Richard. "Here drink this," he said handing him the glass.

"Who was at the door?" Annabelle asked.

"No one of consequence, Dear. They had the wrong house."

Richard was grateful for the warm liquid that managed to take the chill from his veins.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Annabelle asked. Richard nodded that he could but not before taking another gulp of brandy.

"How did she die?" Cyril asked, "Was it complications with the baby?"

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