Chapter Forty-Four

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The guests were seated around the perimeter of the ballroom. Enjoying the breakfast fare of hot rolls, buttered toast, eggs, and ham spread out in a buffet, giving them the opportunity to take what they like.

In the middle, was an elegant wedding cake which some would not partake of, thinking cake to be too decadent. Instead, they traveled to the end of the table for some delicious chocolate. The perfect sweet drink to end any sumptuous meal.

Juliana did not realize, how hungry she was until one of the servants had placed some food in front of her. She could barely touch her food this morning, being too excited to even entertain the idea. She took a bite and sighed content.

The quartet of musicians played some lively tunes and couples collected on the ballroom floor to join in the country-dance. The mood was light and joyous. Richard extended his hand to Juliana and they joined in a Scotch reel. Juliana was not the best of dancers, having little opportunity to practice. Richard however, was perfection, keeping her on course from making too much of a fool of herself on the dance floor.

They were quite spent when they reached their table again, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Lord Riley appeared and asked for the next dance with the bride.

Albert had appeared at the table and leaned in to say something in Richard's ear. His smile disappeared. Fear leaped into Juliana's heart, at the shift in his mood.

Richard however smiled again saying to the elderly Duke, "I expect you to be on your best behavior, Lord Riley. She is, after all, a married woman now, and she belongs to me."

"On my honor, sir. I will treat her like my own daughter," Lord Riley said placing a hand over his heart. Juliana's eyes darted to Albert and back to Richard. Now obligated to dance, she could not discover the purpose of the interruption.

It was another Scotch reel and having danced it with Richard, Juliana did quite well on her own this time. Lord Riley kept up a simple conversation as they danced but Juliana missed a question, distracted by watching Richard and Albert leave the room.

What would be so important that Richard would leave his own celebration?

"I'm sorry, my Lord. I am not the best of dancers and the concentration on my feet, I believe, has caused me to miss what you were speaking of?"

Lord Riley chuckled, "Quite bold of you to admit. Few women would dare do so."

"Well, I am not most women," Juliana stated, confidently.

"Of that, I am certain, as you would not be married to Lord Bentley if that were the case."


Albert led Richard to his study.

"Who is this man?" Richard asked.

"I do not know, sir. He refused to give his name and demanded to see you."

"The footmen at the front door, feared him making a scene, so put him in the study and got me directly," Albert said, quickly falling behind Richard's longer strides.

Richard wondered. Was this it? Was this the moment? Was he about to meet the man behind it all?

Before he opened the door he looked at Albert and said, "I wish you to return to the ballroom and keep a very close eye on Juliana, in case this is meant to be a distraction. She is to be protected at all cost."

Albert did not like the idea of leaving Richard alone with the stranger but understood. He nodded and began his trek back to the ballroom. He then stopped and grabbed hold of one of the footmen.

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