Yes, You Were Right. No, I Will Never Admit That.

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Well, Jax was right. I had absolutely no idea on where the hell I was heading. So, I decided to call Gemma off my phone to have her pick me up.

I pulled the phone from my pocket and clicked on the screen, only to see that it was dead. I groaned and threw my head back before I went in search for the Clubhouse.

I spend about a half hour searching for the Club, finally finding it. I walked inside then immediately flopped on the floor, breaking my fall with my forearms. Someone walked up, wearing boots then stated, "You look like you're had a rough day."

"Really Half Sack, can't say that I haven't fucking noticed that I've had a long ass day." I snapped back. He sighed and laid beside me before he asked,"Do you want me to help you up?"

"Yes." I grumbled, turning to face him. He held out a hand to me then stood, pulling me up with him. I smiled at the thin blond man and realized how cute this dorky biker was.

"You're cute." I blurted out, just most of the Sons entered from their run. Half Sack's jaw dropped and he blushed before shooting a glance to the entrance of the Clubhouse where his bosses stood, frowning.

"Hello,boys. How was your trip?" I asked casually, still holding his hand. Opie, Piney, and Clay exchanged glances before staring at Jax, gauging his reaction.

He scoffed then turned away, stalking towards the dorm area. Gemma entered the room and glanced around before she frowned then snapped, "What the hell are you lazy asses doing in here? Get to work!"

"Yes Gemma." we muttered before scurrying off to our jobs. I sat down and waited for customers to approach me. I sorted out several things, brought out beer to the Sons (besides Jax. Refused to bring that bastard beer.)

I approached Opie then knocked on the hood of the truck he was working on before he slid out with a goofy grin, grease smeared across his face.

"You're lookin' a little rough there, Ope." I joked, handing him a rag. He came to his staggering 6'4 height then chuckled as he patted my head before he pointed out,"My best friend is ready to rip out Prospect's throat."

I let out a laugh before handing Opie his beer then replied,"That's okay. I won't let Half Sack die by Jax's hands. He's too sweet."

"Too sweet on you, according to Jax and Clay." he stated as he watched my reaction over his bottle. I frowned then demanded, "The hell are you talking about,Ope? Is there something I'm missing here or what?" The brunet shrugged and said,"Don't shoot the messenger, sweetheart, I'm just telling ya what I heard."

He set the glass bottle down then thanked me for the beer before rolling back under the truck to finish his work.

Hours Later:

It was some time before I finally got Jax alone. But believe me, my cheeks - no, my entire face- was cherry red with fury. Half Sack was sweet, like a friend but to accuse that he's too sweet on me is pushing it! I stalked up to Jax and gripped a handful of his pretty blond hair before I tugged him down to my level.

"Listen here, Blondie, and listen close cause I'll only say it once and for all. You don't control who I like or whether or not someone is expressing an interest in me. If Half Sack wants to be sweet on me, he can be sweet on me. It's none of your business."

"The hell it isn't. He's my fucking prospect, he does what I say. If I say he's to stay the fuck away from you, he better damn well listen, especially if he wants to get patched in." he spat, pulling from my grip. I growled then screamed, "Fuck you very much, Jackson Teller!"

Clay, Juice, Chibs, and Half Sack entered the room to see what the commotion was, just as Jax bared his white teeth, backing me into the bar counter. He lifted me with barely no effort then slammed me into the granite.

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