I Need To Talk to Libby

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Libby's Point of View:

When I woke up the next morning, Jax was missing from his own bed. Huh. I must've fallen asleep before he got home. Then I remembered that he promised we'd talk in the morning.

I peeked out front and saw that his bike was still there, causing me to smile softly. Good, he's still home. I walked into the kitchen where I spotted his blonde hair tangled into a bun at the crown of his head while he fried eggs and potatoes.

"What, no breakfast in bed? I see how it is." I laughed, sitting down at the small table near the door. He cursed when he dropped his spatula then he swore,"I was gonna bring it to you. Looks like my plan failed. Sorry."

"No,no, it's fine. Breakfast is great,even if I don't get to stay in bed for it." I declared, deciding to get me a glass of orange juice with coffee to go with food. He nodded and passed me a plate filled with eggs mixed with fried potatoes and cheese, not to mention a few pieces of toast.

"So how was last night? Learn anything?" I questioned, nibbling on the toast. He nodded and informed me,"We picked up a new kid to prospect. He's got beef with the Mayans and he knows shit about 'em too, so we picked him up."

"What about Alvarez?" I asked, taking a bite of my cheesy eggs and potatoes. He sighed and declared,"Midnight tonight, just outside of Oakland with his VP and Sergeant- At- Arms. We'll take out those two and bring Alvarez somewhere else to get information."

"Is that all?" He nodded then stated,"We don't exactly have all the details worked out just yet but when we do, I'll let you know. But right now, how about you finish eating and we can find something else to talk about?" I bobbed my head down once for an okay then went silent for a minute then I asked,"Who's Tara?"

His fork clattered to his plate as his muscles tightened at her name then he hissed,"Who the fuck told you about her?"

"Um, Wendy mentioned her, said she was the only other one that you've had a serious relationship with and that Tara was the other one." I murmured. He stood up from his chair at the table then gritted out,"I'm done eating. I've gotta go." I huffed and followed him into the bedroom as I snapped,"No, you're running away. Jax, you can't keep the truth from me forever. You're not gonna hurt me. I can handle this."

"I'm not fucking running, I just don't wanna fucking talk about her!" Jax shouted, turning on his heel, blue eyes dilated. I sighed and plopped down on the bed then murmured,"We're in a relationship, Jax. You're supposed to tell me about this kind of things." He raked a hand through his hair then snapped, "Don't you think I know this? I want to tell you,Libby, and I know that that's hard to believe and I really believe you deserve to know but its rough to talk about and I have to be at the Clubhouse in a hour. I'd rather wait to talk."

"But I want to talk now. If things work out with tonight and we get rid of Alvarez, I don't want your past creeping up and kicking your knees out from under you." I suggested, standing up to sneak my hands into his front pockets.

He wrapped his arms around my waist as I leaned into him then he started telling me the story of him and Tara.

"Tara was my high school sweetheart. We met in ninth grade and I fell in love with her. At the time, Opie was warning me away because we were worried that we were gonna be distracted from our real life goal and that was to get patched in. But she managed to slip into the cracks and convince me to go on one date with her. Fuck, that was a hell of a mistake. I regret it now that I look back on it." he stated, with a small sigh.

"So you fell in love with her?" I asked, running my thumb over his knuckles. He gave a small nod and replied,"Sadly,yes,I did. I thought she was the love of my life. And dammit, I'm a moron for thinking so. She left me when everything got hard, about a month after graduation, I planned on proposing when she told me that her family needed help in Chicago and she left, telling me that my attachment to the Club wasn't something that she could handle. She left and broke my heart, leaving trails of it all across the US up to Chicago. And I guess you picked it up and brought it back with you to Charming."

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