I Told You So

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Still Jax's Point of View:

And of fucking course,I was right. It was a very long day. I had Opie and Juice blowing up my phone about the whole, Find a Rat Inside The Mayans operation, Libby was trying not to murder Angel,and Clay was yanking me in one direction while Gemma pulled me in another. Lemme tell ya, if you ever become a VP of an MC, Lord be with you.

"Jackie,I need to-" Chibs started out, but those words made me snap. I couldn't handle anymore right now!

"What!? What the fuck could you possibly have to say to me that you can't take to our Prez?! Jesus fucking Christ,people!" I screamed, starting to get in Chibs' faces, who in return, stared blankly at me, waiting for me to finish. Finally, he blinked twice and raised an eyebrow before he asked in his thick accent that only Chibs can claim, "Are ya done now, boy?"

"Yes." I sighed in defeat, sinking onto a barstool. He sighed as well once he took the stool beside me then asked,"What's wrong, Jackie? Ya seem stressed out, and more so than usual. What's going on inside ya head?"

I glanced up from my staring spell from the floor then declared, "Everything is going on and it seems like nothing's going right! I've got Juice and Ope blowing up my phone to let me know what's going on with Half Sack and the Mayans, Clay and Gemma is pulling at me from all directions and to top it all off, Angel is learning how to press Libby's every self destruct button!"

He nodded and glanced over towards the two girls where Libby was trembling as Angel continued to talk to her, before he replied,"Aye, Angel's always been good at dat. Lemme talk to Libs, brotha. She looks like she needs a day off." We both gave Libby a once over then nodded in agreement before Chibs walked over and begun chatting up the girls.

Libby's Point of View:

Never in my lifetime have I been so relieved to hear a Scottish accent. I gripped onto Chibs like a lifeline then exclaimed,"Chibs!" He grinned down at me and stated,"Hey, lass, you up for skipping work for the day?" I bobbed my head up and down eagerly then chanted,"Uh huh, uh huh, let's go!"

We walked to his bike and I hissed, "Thank you so fucking much."

"You just turned 18, lass, can't have you being shipped away so soon. Plus, I think your ole man was gonna have a heart attack if you stayed beside Angel any longer by yourself." I smirked and stated,"Jax worries too much. I have perfect self control around Angel."

"Right, and I got tolerance for assholes blowing up my Clubhouse." He pulled me into the Clubhouse and further into the room to Church where my boyfriend is heads up on the Reaper Table, causing me to frown.

"I got this,Chibs. Thanks for saving me." I whispered to the Scot. He nodded and replied, "Shut the door on your way in, darling. I think you'll need the silence. He needs a relaxer and you need a distraction from Angel. Help each other out. I'll watch the door."

I nodded in agreement then closed the doors in his face which caught Jax's attention.

"What are you doing in here? You're not-"

"Supposed to be in here, yes, I know but Chibby let me in. He said that you've been having a fucking heart attack watching me and Angel. That and you're dealing with a bunch of Club shit. Let me relax you." I declared, walking towards him. He scooted his chair back from the table and patted his lap so I took his invitation then wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm thanking fuck for you, darling." he stated, taking in a deep breath. I grinned and pressed a kiss to the skin of his jaw then replied, "Ditto, sweet cheeks. Hey,have you seen Opie or Juice around? Or even Half Sack?"

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