Annabeth Thinks I am Crazy

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*Percy's P.O.V**

Percy was tired as hell. He just fought an army of monsters. He was breathing heavily as he watched medics yelling and carrying the injured to safety. Percy used alot of his powers during the war.

.He hadnt felt this tired since the titan war. That was like, a week ago.

Ok wait WAY more than a week ago. be couldn't even think straight. Percy couldn't take it anymore. He collapsed.


He woke up later in his cabin. He looked around. Momentarily forgetting where he was. He looked out the window.

It was pitch black outside. How was his cabin still up after the war? It can't be up. This had to be a dream. Percy had so many dreams that he knew the difference between real and fake. Now he was getting really good at it.

"Percy" a voice said. It was faint. As if the voice was coming from outside. Who was that? He got out of bed and slowly opened the door. As he opened it. He wasn't surprised. He wasn't even at camp. He was on the clouds. Olympus?

He thought. He walked for a few minutes and he saw Poseidon. "Father" Percy said. "You astonish me whenever you are in combat. You are amazing, Percy. I couldn't be more proud of you." Said Poseidon. Percy's chest swelled with pride.

He secretly wanted Poseidon to say that. "T-thanks." Percy stammered. "I mean, Thank you, Father." Poseidon chuckled.

"Listen, son. I want to tell you something." Percy's smile faded. "You have a sister." Percy took a few minutes to take that in. "A sister?" Poseidon nodded.

Percy immediately started asking questions. "Who is she? Whats her name? How old is she? Who is her mother? Whats her favorite color? Where is she? Is she on her way to camp? Does he have a saytr with her?"

Percy was really confused. If Poseidon had a daughter, why didn't he tell him? "Why are you telling me this now? Percy asked. Poseidon looked around, as if he was nervous.

"Her name is Summer Wilde. Her mother, well she was abusive. She got this job that payed really well. But she didn't realize the stress that it would have. When I left her, she was devastated, and angry. She started drinking. She takes all the stress and anger on her daughter. She used to be really nice, believe me. She was beautiful, selfless and a wonderful human being. Her mother's name is Megan. She doesn't know I'm a god, though. As for her favorite color," Poseidon smiled. "I believe its baby blue. Summer used to live in Boston, but she moved a few days ago and now lives in Alaska. She is not on her way to camp, and she dosent have a saytr with her. She is 12 years old. And her - her birthday is in exactly 20 days." Percy thought for a moment. Today is August 4th. Her birthday is on the 24th of August. Percy also realized that Poseidon answered all of his questions in exact order except for 1. "Why are you telling me this now?" Poseidon expression immediately turned sad. "She ran away a day ago." He said.

"You have to find her before she turns 13. That's when the monsters start attacking. Her scent becomes stronger. And because she is a child of mine, monsters will be more thirsty for her blood." Percy realized that his father wanted him to find her, because she is in Alaska, the land beyond the gods, Poseidon can't find her there. They would have exactly 20 days to find a 12 year old in all of Alaska. This was going to be really hard. He was tempted to say no, but Percy remembered that this was his sister that he was talking about. "I will do it." Percy said confidently. Poseidon smiled.

And Percy's vision went black. Suddenly, he was being shaken awake by Annabeth. "WE HAVE TO FIND MY SISTER" Percy yelled. Annabeth looked at him like he was crazy.

"Percy, you have a sister?" She said.

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