Deadman Walking

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"Harley get your ass up or I will pull you up by your hair" Nick my boyfriend screamed. "Nick,why must you always scream" I said walking down the stairs.
"Because you have to be at the arena in less than 20 minutes" my boyfriend said cooking himself breakfast oh yea I have to go see my mom Stephanie "bye nick" I said walking out the door. He didn't care if I ate or not so he didn't say anything when I skipped breakfast. I look at my reflection in my car window. My blonde hair that once used to be silky and curly is now flat and lifeless. My once ocean blue eyes are now a cloudy grey. My once curvy body is not there now if you turn me sideways I might disappear. The bruises on my face and stomach are somewhat faded,nothing makeup couldn't cover. My mom hasn't seen me in 2 years almost and now she has to see this poorly managed thing she calls her daughter. I drove down to the arena they were gonna be at and called my mom when I got there she came running out to the car. I got out and she stepped back in shock "babygirl what the hell happened to you,your father mark would be disappointed in the way you took care of yourself if he seen you ,why do you do this Harley" yea my father is the phenom undertaker and no my mom doesn't know about nick. I went to go inside but I accidentally bumped into this really cute guy "I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" he said helping me up. I winced when he grabbed my wrist. He looked like he was gonna ask what happened so I quickly said "sorry about that,I have to go" and ran into the first locker room I could find and locked the door only to find him in there

Let me know what you think comment would love feedback on what I should edit

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