3am Talks

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Dean's pov
That was strange,what happened to that girl. "Come on Dean we have to go get ready" Roman said pulling me back to our locker room. I tried to open the door but it was locked. "Maybe we locked it on accident" Seth said. We heard whimpering and crying and screaming coming from inside. Roman kicked down the door and what we saw pissed us off so bad. A guy was kicking and punching Stephanie's daughter. Roman speared him and started beating the crap out of him. I tried to pull her up but she couldn't stand so I just picked her up bridal style and took her to the trainers and on the way I seen undertaker with a look of shock and anger on his face. Wonder what that's about. we get to the trainers room and Stephanie is in there. "what the hell happened to my daughter" she screamed.  "her boyfriend attacked her Ms. Mcmahon" Seth said. "That little twat did what" I heard the deadman boom behind us. Shit. "Dad it's okay I'm fine" I heard behind me Dad? What "We're gonna go get ready for our match" Roman said dragging us out of the room "That was beyond awkward" Seth said watching the TV of the women's match "They are really trying to prove something" I said taping my hands. 4 hours later we had lost our match and was headed to the hotel rooms when we seen Harley talking to her mother "Mom just let me train I can prove to you I can keep up just give me a chance" she said as she stormed past us "I think its time for bed" Roman said rolling his eyes. We headed to the room and I flipped on my bed exhausted and dozed off. I heard somebody banging on our door,I looked over and seen it was 3 in the morning. I get up and walk to the door to see what's going on. I look through the little peep hole and seen Harley. "What are you doing here it's really late?" I said opening the door and stepping to the side so she can walk in.  "I didn't want to go home" she said turning to look at the two sleeping men. "This was a bad idea" she said turning to leave. I grabbed her wrist to stop her. She winced and whimpered attracting the attention of the two men. I gently pulled her back to me,pulling up her sleeve. I notice severe bruising from where someone had gripped her wrist very hard. "I'm sorry, I should've never come" she said running back out door in fear. "Good job dude" Seth said rolling back over going back to sleep. What did I do?  I went and laid back down on my bed the girl still heavily on my mind. I hope she's alright wherever she went.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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