Chapter 6

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A/N: Holy shit, I actually can't believe I'm updating again! it's been months! So sorry. my inspiration has been no where to be found, but lately I've found it! Hallelujah. Literally do not know where I'm going with this story, it's probably gonna end up being real bad.. but hey at least I'm updating! Even if it is because its 5 in the morning and i cant sleep ha. I swear ill try to update more often now. Please, please comment about where you'd like this story to go.. You know, what you'd like to see happen! Would definitely help me while writing, and it'd give me more motivation! Such a shit job I know.. Make sure you vote/comment/fan.. I don't know guys, five me some motivation! Comment some theories! Give me something to work with! I tried making it longer than usual. Enjoy :)


We arrived at this high class restaurant. How is it even possible that we're inside?! I'm quite sure you need reservations or something..

"I've got connections." Niall says, answering my unspoken question.

We were shown to our table, and the waiter asked for drinks.

"I'll get a champagne bottle for everyone, just get us three glasses" Niall spoke professionally to the waiter. I just raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh, and a glass of water for myself."

"I'll also get some water." My grandma spoke politely.


When the waiter left, it was silent.

"So ladies, how's the day been?" Niall tried making conversation, sipping from his cup of water.

"Great. Just lovely to catch up with my baby girl." Grandma smiled and squeezed my shoulder lightly. I nodded in agreement.

Awkward. Damn, already.

We kinda just stayed quiet, making light conversation here and there, until the appetizers came. That's when it started getting more interesting. Well, amusing for me at least. Grandma & Niall are actually engaging in conversation.. and quite well too.

"I love that film! Haha! One of my favourites since I've seen it." Niall was trying to eat a little less messier while talking to her, he couldn't help it.

"You know, I like you. You're a spirited young man."

I whispered under to myself, "Ha, if only you knew..."

Niall heard me and coughed over it. "Well thank you, Marilyn. You're quite the catch, for an older woman." He gave her a playful wink and I could help but chuckle a bit. We all laughed together, and it actually felt nice.

The food arrived and we just ate, and engaged in more pointless, but humorous conversation. Even myself, surprisingly.

About an hour later later, we were ready to leave.

"I'm gonna head to the loo quickly." Gramma notified us, and we just returned slight nods.

"Cheque please." Niall raised his hand and the waiter quickly responded, bringing us our cheque.

"How much is it?" I questioned.

"Don't worry about it, really."

"I just wanna know."


"Really Niall, really."

He ignored me.

"Fuck you're impossible." I huffed under my breath.

I tried catching a glance of the numbers and saw triple digits. I actually feel guilty about not helping pay the bill. I'll return the favour another time.

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