Chapter Nine

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"Mandy you must come. I'm going home tomorrow. It'd be our last time seeing each other again. Just lunch."

Hesitantly, she chewed on her bottom lip. After last time, she really didn't want to go without telling Javier. He was gone for the whole day. Kamilah was out with Monica. It was just for lunch, and she could easily walk back, now that she was in the city. "I can only go for a couple of hours," she gave in to his pleading.

"Brilliant. Meet me here," he rattled off a name of upmarket hotel with restaurant. Still, she was hesitant. "See you at twelve."

"I suppose," she reluctantly agreed. Hanging up, she rang Javier to be informed he was busy in a meeting, and couldn't be disturbed. Leaving no messages, she scribbled a note and placed on the door. Gone to lunch with Adam, he's heading home. Mandy. xxxx. Feeling much better, she went to change into a very modest long skirt and top that covered her up.

Tying her hair back into a ponytail, she headed out and went downstairs, where a cab was called over. She headed towards the hotel, finding Adam waiting for her, casually dressed. In light pale pants, and open necked grey shirt, wearing sunnies. She made sure distant was maintained as they entered and were shown towards a table at the back.

"Um, could we have a table near the windows?" She asked, the setting looking far too personal and private. The last thing she wanted. Shaking her head, she turned to Adam. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be here. I'm seeing someone."

"I know. I thought we were just friends, Mandy, sharing lunch." She briefly closed her eyes to nod, though still not sure. Adam arranged for them to sit out more in the open, near windows, and a larger table. Feeling better, she settled in, diving into handbag as the phone rang.

"Kamilah? Sorry, I missed you."

"Are you sure about what you're doing? I saw your note."

"I tried calling Javier to tell him. He's leaving today. Just a farewell lunch."


Mandy hung up, grabbing the menu, glancing over. She shouldn't have come. Then told herself off, this was Adam, and they were sharing lunch, doing nothing wrong. All through the lunch, Adam, talked proudly about his kids and wife. He had also had moved out of the country, working in the city. It was like old times, just talking about life. She told him about Javier and his family. They talked about their old life, and home.

Mandy sighed, now totally relaxed, sipping red wine. Nearly two hours had passed. "I miss riding the most." She looked at her phone. "I really have to go." She stood and went to hug Adam good bye. "Have a safe trip home." He stood, knocking the table. His glass toppled over, splashing all over her skirt. Groaning, she looked down at her red stain on her long beige skirt. Staff rushed over with table napkins, trying to help, cleaning up the mess. Wine dripped onto the carpet floor.

"What an oaf, I am. I have a room upstairs, let's see to that stain, while I call a cab and have coffee." Sighing, she nodded, because she had no choice. She couldn't leave like this, taking the elevator towards his floor and entered, heading straight for the bathroom, where she stripped off her skirt, and run water over the wine soaked skirt.

A knock at the door, let her know the coffee had arrived. She squeezed out the excess of water that she had run over the stain. It would have to do, looking around for a hair dryer. Perhaps if she ran that over the extra large wet patch, she could wear it back. Finding nothing, she headed towards the door. Maybe there was one in the room or an iron. That would work. She had to get back.

Mandy stepped out of the bathroom, stopping dead at the sight of Javier at the door and the utter repulsion in his eyes. As in slow motions, she cried out as his fist smashed into Adam's face, sending him backwards. "Javier!"

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