Opening Up

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Rae Lin's POV

I woke up in a white room I tried sitting up but pain took over and I ended up groaning 

"are you okay ?"-  Suho

Then the others woke up and surrounded me I just looked at them and rolled to my side

"yah! why are you like this can you at least answer us"- Kris

I was shocked I jumped a little when he screamed at me I just kept my back faced to them

"sorry I didn't mean to yell at you"- Kris

I tried sitting then Lay helped me sit up then Chen started feeding me some soup

"The doctor said you can go home later on"- Xiumin

I nodded and put my head down these guys really care about me they stayed the night just to take care of me all I did was be cold and ignore them I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep it up.

"Rylin what you did yesterday was amazing you stood up to the most popular girl in school no girl has ever done that and the words you said was just wow"- Chanyeol

"But how come you don't talk to us do you hate us or something?"- Sehun

"please respond we want to be close to you"-Kai

"why do you guys care about me? why don't you guys just leave like everyone else did" I finally said

"we care about you because your our friend and we here to protect you we will never leave your side even when you push us away"-Luhan

" do I mean that much to you?"

"yes and we also promised Mark that we help bring you back to your old self"- Tao

"my old self? why?"

" he wanted the old you back he wanted us help you break down your cold wall"-Chen

They want the old me I'm going to be honest I kinda missed the old me I miss being able to laugh and make new friends maybe it wont hurt to give them a chance

"can I trust you? I myself want to go back to the my old self. promise to stay by my side and help me"

"you can trust us Rylin if you just give us a chance to be a part of your life and we will never leave your side"-  DO

I smiled and felt a tear come down my face

"she smiled! don't cry Rylin were here for you no matter what"-Baekhyun

"thank you guys and I'm sorry for being cold to you I was just afraid that when I let you in my life you'll leave me like the others"

"it's fine and like we said we will never leave you that's a promise"- Lay

"can I ask why were you cold to us?"- Xiumin

"its about from my experience with boys but that's the past"

"ahh we see we'll wait for you to be more comfortable with us then you can tell us for now lets go home"-Suho

I got off the bed with some help from the guys and we went home once we reached home I went to my room and cleaned myself up I took a shower then I went downstairs to eat dinner with the boys once I reached the kitchen I saw DO cooking I decided to help

"um do you need any help DO?"

"actually can you help me set up the table?" I nodded and set up the table then all of them came to the kitchen and sat down we ate and laughed , shared some jokes, and a lot more after we went to the living room and sat around

"umm Rylin since you didn't get to properly introduce yourself can you re introduce yourself?"

I stood up and bowed

"Hello I am Rae Lin I like to sing , dance, and a lot more. I am Chinese according to my adoptive mom I can speak English , Chinese , and Korean. My birthday is April 17 and yeah"

"your adopted?"- Lay

"yes I was only a baby when I was adopted"

"where's your real parents?"


"sorry for asking you don't have to answer"

" its okay and since were starting to be close so I want you to know the real me"

"since your okay with it can we her it?"- Kai

"where do I start.......well my mom adoptive mom and my real mom were best friends when my mom gave birth to me she wasn't able to take care of me and my older brother so she gave me to her best friend and took me to LA to have a good life then when I was 12 my adoptive mom told me about them then when I asked if they are alive she said they died in a crash and that my brother survived that's pretty much it"

"sorry to hear that but do you know where your brother is?"- Chen

"no but I hope one day I will be reunited with him"

" well since its getting late lets go to bed"- DO

we all went upstairs and went to sleep I looked at up and smiled

My new life begins hopefully opening up to them was the right choice

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