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Rae Lin's POV

I'm still hugging Kris my tears couldn't control themselves I pulled away and wiped my tears he did the same I looked at Chanyeol and he smiled I gave him a hug to thank him

"Chanyeol thank you if you didn't asked me to sing for you I wouldn't have known that Kris is my brother thank you" he pulled away and messed with my hair

"no problem I knew it the whole time that you were his sister when I saw your guys necklaces and when you both sang the same song"

Kris walked up to him and started messing with his hair

"you knew the whole the time and didn't bother telling me"

"yah hyung I wanted it to be a surprise" I laughed at the both of them I really can't believe that I've been living with my brother this whole time

"okay that's enough oppa he wanted it a surprise now let him go to sleep" he stopped and Chanyeol went to his bed I was about to go to my room then Kris stopped me

"um Rylin-ah is it okay you sleep her for tonight its just back then I would always sleep next to you is that okay?" I nodded and went to his bed he laid down next to me he pulled the blanket up and we went to sleep he wrapped his arms around me

"goodnight Rylin-ah"

"goodnight oppa"

~ in the morning~

I woke up to someone shaking me I opened my eyes and saw Kris his hair was wet so he must of got done taking a shower

"oh good morning oppa" I sat up and stretched my arms out then he threw a towel at me

"yah what was that for?"

"go take a shower and after you change come back here and we'll tell the news to the others so they  won't misunderstand anything we do like for instance last night you slept next to me they might think we did something else" I nodded and head to the shower and changed and went back his room

"ready?" I nodded and we went downstairs I stayed behind him when we reached the end of the stairs he told me to wait here while he gathers everybody

"guys I have to you something" I heard him say

"what is it?"- Xiumin

" I found my little sister"

"jinja! are we going to meet her soon?"- Tao

"yup she's actually here right now I contacted her last night and she came during the night"

"well bring her out I want to meet her!"- Chen

He walked to me where I was waiting he took my hand and pulled me out to the others

"here she is!!" I was behind Kris then he showed me to the others

"Rylin?!!?!??!?!?!" they all said at the same time

"guys this is my little sister Wu Rae Lin or as you all know her as Rylin" I smiled and waved at them

"what Kris is saying is true I'm his little sister" all of them were shocked

"how about we go and celebrate my treat!"

"YESS IM NOT PAYING FOR ONCE!!"  we all laughed at Suho and got ready

~at Korean BBQ place~

Were all sitting together I was sitting next to my brother and Suho the BBQ was really good and after we went to get bubble tea its my first time having bubble tea when I said that Sehun almost choked on his rice once we were done eating he dragged me into the bubble tea shop

"Rylin-ah which one do you want to get?" he said while looking at the menu there were so many flavors I couldn't decide on one

"hmmm choco?"

"omg the choco one is my favorite !" I smiled at him he might have a poker face but once you get to know him he's like a little kid we ordered our drinks and went back to the dorm since we have classes tomorrow I sat in the back with Sehun and we watched videos on his phone we also took some pictures

Once we got to the dorm we all went to our rooms I was getting my uniform ready for tomorrow then there was a knock at my door I opened it and it was Kris

"oh oppa you should be sleeping now"

"you too and I'm here just to tell you goodnight"

"ahh okay well goodnight oppa" he gave me hug

"I'm glad we're reunited I missed you baby-ah"

"baby-ah?" I looked at him

"it's the nickname I gave you when you were still a baby" I nodded and smile

"well we should go to sleep now oppa we have class tomorrow goodnight"

"goodnight baby-ah" he left and went to his room I closed the door and laid down I decided to skype Mark since I haven't seen him in a long time since he's an idol and with the others I opened my laptop and went to skype and called him

Calling Mark Tuan

"hey Rylin"

"oh hey Bammie where are you guys?"

"were at a hotel right now all of us rookies are having a showcase, Mark and the others went to go pick up the food we ordered right now its just me and Yugyeom"

" ahh okay well hows things?"

"everything is awesome they said we're about to debut soon I'm excited!" then Yugyeom sat next to him

" hey Yugyeomie" then there was a knock on the door BamBam got up and went to open it

"They're here with the food !" I heard BamBam said happily I giggled

"Who are you guys talking too?"- JB

"Our Girlfriend" I heard BamBam say

"yah I am not your girlfriend"

"Rylin?" I saw Mark show up on the screen

" hey guys" their all gathered around while eating chicken and rice

"did you eat yet don't skip meals"- JR

" arraso and yeah we just came back from Korean BBQ and bubble tea"

"wow lucky that's pretty expensive was it somebody's birthday today"- Jackson

" it was Chanyeol's birthday yesterday and we had a little reunion"

"ahh a reunion?"- Youngjae

" yeah guys....I found my brother me and him are reunited"

"bwo? really that's great!" they all clapped

"so who's your brother do we know him?"- BamBam

"yes you know him my brother is Kris he's my brother" all of them were shocked

"Jinja? wow that's great Rylin-ah"- Yugyeom

" see I told you the both of you will be reunited"- Mark

"well I should go to sleep now I have class tomorrow good luck at the showcase!"

"thanks and goodnight"- Mark

"bye" I waved and the waved back I ended the call  and went to bed I turned off the lights and hugged my pillow I've never felt this happy in my life I found brother and I came out from my cold self I'm still cold to other people but when comes to the guys they are like my family  

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