Our little Princess

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Rae Lin's POV

~ Sunday Morning~

Its been a week since we came to the orphanage me and Alice unnie are like best friends she's also like a older sister too me every time she sees me and Jungkook together she always teases me after. Today I decided to wear a light blue sweater and white jeans Sunshine told me that her favorite color was blue I went to a nearby shop and bought her a light blue jacket so we can match I placed it in the bag along with some other stuff I bought her. I grabbed my phone and walked to the orphanage I saw Alice unnie setting up the table for breakfast I placed down Sunshine's gift and helped her

"oh Rylin-ah your early today"

"yeah I woke up a little early today hehe" we set up the table and one by one the boys came in with their gifts for the kids me and Alice unnie cooked pancakes for everyone we placed down the last plate and called the kids they all came in some looked sleepy while some looked excited

"mommy" I turned and saw Sunshine I kneeled down in front of her and picked her up she looked pale and tired

"Sunshine are you okay? Did you sleep?" I looked at her she nodded her head

"mommy...where's daddy?" I'm worried about Sunshine she seems sick

"my little princess looking for me?" I turned and saw Jungkook with his gift for Sunshine in his hands he placed it down and I placed Sunshine in his arms

" princess are you okay?" she nodded he gave a worried look he mouthed 'what happened' I mouthed back ' I don't know'

"mommy daddy don't worry about me maybe I just need some food come on lets eat" he put her down and she walked to her spot and sat down then Alice unnie came up to us and took us outside

"Jungkook..Rylin..there's something you should know" we looked at her it looked like she was about to cry I gave her hug and rubber her back

"Sunshine has a heart disease... her heart is weak she had this condition since she was a baby that's why her real parents left her they wanted a healthy baby she's been taking medicine yesterday she had a heart attack her heart stopped beating we brought her to the doctors yesterday they told us that she has go through surgery they already have donors but we don't have the money they don't know how much time Sunshine has left"

I felt my heart breaking she's too young to die I felt tears coming down my face I felt someone pull me close I looked and it was Jungkook he had tears in his eyes too he wiped mine away

"Alice unnie how much those it cost for her surgery?"

" 400,000"

" I'll pay for her surgery I'll have my mom send me money"

"no Rylin I cant let you do that"

"unnie you've taken care of Sunshine her whole life and as her 'mom' it's my turn to take care of her so please let me just for once" she nodded I took my phone out and called my mom at first she was shocked but I told her about Sunshine and her condition she agreed to it I gave her the address to the orphanage I bid her goodbye and went inside

I sat next to Sunshine she smiled and we ate our breakfast after we cleaned up it was time for us to give our gifts to the kids we all were scattered around the room me and Jungkook gave Sunshine her presents I got her the light blue jacket , a teddy bear, and a picture frame with our picture on it while Jungkook got her a pink dress with a crown she got up and hugged the both of us

"thank you so much I love it and mommy thank you Alice unnie told me what your doing for me I'm really glad that I have a mommy like you" I gave her a warm hug I can feel the tears forming I let go and wiped them away

"mommy don't cry I don't want you crying" she placed her little hands on my face and wiped my tears away

" Don't  worry mommy wont cry anymore"

"hmm I know what will make mommy happy!" I tilted my head and she gave a smile

"mommy needs a hug from daddy!" my eyes went wide I looked Jungkook I could feel my cheeks heating up

" anything for our little princess" he said and pulled me close oh jeez I can feel my heart beating crazy then we opened our arms to let Sunshine in the hug

~ later on ~

All of us went to the amusement park that was there the others were together the money that my mom sent arrived earlier the doctor informed us that Sunshine's surgery will be on Wednesday.

While the rest were hanging together the three of us decided to have a little family time before her surgery day we went on a lot of rides we took lots of pictures the three of us decided to go on the Farris Wheel I could tell she was scared of heights she was holding our hands tightly

"don't worry princess daddy and mommy are here" Jungkook said to her and ruffled her hair

"ah daddy not the hair my crown is going to fall off" she was the dress that he gave to her along with the crown *the picture above is Sunshine*

 We went on the Farris wheel and it started moving since it was getting dark they turned on the lights the view was amazing I could feel somebody looking at me I turned and saw Jungkook

"why are you staring at?"

"oh yeah know just enjoying the view" he said and smirked at me my heart started beating fast again aish why is he doing this to me

"um...yeah the view of the park from her is beautiful...you were talking about the park right?"

" maybe I was maybe I wasn't" he said and winked at me...... eommaya my cheeks are probably red

"whatever Jeon Jungkook" I said and looked away

"aww my mommy and daddy are so sweet" I looked at Sunshine she was smiling we got off the Ferris Wheel and it was time for us to go home we all went back to our cabin and rooms I dried my face with my towel then I heard my phone buzz outside then I heard Baekhyun and Chanyeol scream I walked out and they stopped and looked at me I walked over to my bed and looked at my phone I got a text from Jungkook

From Jungkook :)

- goodnight my queen ;) from your King-

To Jungkook

-whatever Jungkook and goodnight-

I put down my phone and saw Baekhyun and Chanyeol smiling at me

"why are you looking at me like that?"

"oh its nothing my queen"- Chanyeol

"you looked at the text didn't you?!?!" they both started laughing I grabbed my pillow and started hitting them

Jungkook's POV

From Rylin :D

-whatever Jungkook and goodnight-

I smiled at my phone I still don't why but I felt teasing her today seeing her blush crazily makes me happy I didn't realize I was smiling until J-hope and Suga hyung pointed it out

"yah maknae your smiling to yourself again"- J-hope

"just let him J-hope he is in love with her after all"- Suga

I set my phone on the table and went to sleep I can't wait to be able to call her mine I just have to wait for the perfect time

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