The whole story

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It's been awhile since I have seen my dear little brother, but I can say I do miss those days back when we were boys and we would play hide in seek in the water with the dolphins. But it wasn't always fun and games. Even as kids there was always some type of drama.

Since our parents had Seth at such a large age gap than the rest of us, he usually got left out. It wasn't always like this though it didn't start till Oscar showed up. Oscars is Mays husband. He became close with my parents and was almost inseparable with my brothers.

It was quit obvious that something was going especially when deaths started happening. At first it seemed like accidents but then I caught Dominik coming home with blood on his hands. That's when it became obvious that I needed to figure out what they were up to.

I followed my brother James one day when he left early one morning. When I saw that he was meeting up with Oscar I knew immediately this is what has been causing all of the trouble. Oscar needed the blue heart crystal to bargain with an assassin to kill the leader of our people. He wanted to rule our people but I knew I had to stop him since he wanted to kill my father. I knew he somehow manipulated my brothers into helping him kill their own father. I knew that I need to stop them, I just didn't know how.

I had to get involved so I could protect my parents and figure out a way that I could save my brothers. I slowly stopped hanging out with Seth and he took it to heart. He started to separate from the family earlier than any of us planned especially since James was 21 and was still in the house and Seth was 10 and was trying to leave.

James became suspicious and started to question all of us. I thought I pulled it off but I didn't. But he didn't have anything to use against me until I met her.

She was human and had long beautiful gold locks. She was tall for a human. 6'4 but she was perfect for me. I tried to stay away from her as much as I could but it was hard to resist. Finally I started to separate from my family and left the group. I knew that I would have to come back home as soon as I turned Talina because I had to save my parents. I wouldn't be any use to anyone dead.

I came close many times to losing her but I finally turned her. I brought her home and introduced her to the family. All of the family.

I knew at the first chance James, Dominik, Brandon, and Jacob would try to kill her. I had to get rid of Oscar so I could figure out the cure for the mixture that he gave to my brothers.

I ended up killing Oscar making it seem like I went crazy giving my brothers the perfect opportunity to make it seem like I was the rogue in the family. They even turned little Sethy against me. That when I knew that I need to get out of there. No one would believe me I had to keep my soul half safe and had to get us out alive.

Of course I was to late. I walked into our bedroom seeing James stabbing a knife through her heart and my other brothers holding her down. I could see the grief in her eyes as her life slipped through her fingers. I saw the sinister smile on James face as he licked the blood off the knife he killed her with.

I knew I had to get out of their before I tried to murder family. I knew that I wouldn't come back from this. I left and never came back but I swore revenge on all of them. Which in my opinion was childish since I just found out weeks out ago that all they did was take her soul and trapped it in a small heart capsule. They left her body in a trapped cavern and I had to get her out.

Mermaids can't die unless their soul half dies. They can either choose to slowly wither away or they can continue to live. So all they really did was put her to rest. I didn't know this until I met with an elder. This is why I need Seth's help.

I know it seems bad that I kill people but they are not completely innocent people. They have either hurt to many people to be forgiven or they have committed murder. Which is what this young lady has done. She killed her little sister because of jealousy. Such a powerful thing these days. I became a guardian of all who our supposedly fairy tale creatures. Everything everyone thinks that is fictional but is not. Every different species has us. Some don't even know we exist.

Humans have guardians to, they are just chosen because they have different abilities. I know I am going to have to prove to Seth that I am her for him but I have a feeling that he will come to understand to come and stand on my side.

That or he might be the next brother to lose his soul half. I am going to try to prevent this from happening.

I look up from my latest kill and drop her to the ground. I know heartless right? But she deserves the little respect I gave her. I know I will probably get chewed out by the council for not letting the human guardians deal with her.

But who cares if it gives me a little more power in the end.

I can see the disgust and sadness in his eyes and it's like a stab to my heart. He doesn't understand I have to keep telling myself this since he was told all lies. He has to believe me. He has to. It all rests on him

"Hello brother"


Thank you everyone for be so patient! I have been so busy with semester tests and basketball so I am trying to keep up. I have cut out some chapters since I feel like I want to move this story in a complete different direction. I read what I wrote a year ago and didn't like any of it. I know where I want to take this story so I'm excited

Thank You for reading!


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