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I slowly woke up to the sound of my ridiculously annoying alarm clock going off. Of course I had to be smart and set it across the room or I would always hit the snooze button. Why did I have to think ahead? I thought to myself.

It was about ten minutes later when I was completely ready. Now comes the fun part...Waking up my brothers. I slowly opened my door and peeked out to make sure nobody was in the hallway. When I saw that the coast was clear, I tip toed to my parent's room first.

I slowly opened the door and saw the light of the window shine bright in my eyes. I quickly avert my eyes to the ground. "Hey mom and dad can I borrow your phones for a little bit?" I promise I won't break them this time.

I shut the door silently while I wait for my parent's answer. I probably should've  knocked. Who knows what they could have been doing in here. I  breathe a sigh of relief. I got lucky, my mom was watching tv and my dad was reading.

My dad looks up from his book "I don't know that was a pretty hefty phone bill the last time you borrowed them."

"I know- I know- but it really wasn't my fault you should blame Nathan and Damion they are the ones that threw your phones at the wall!"

"Well you're the one who set the alarm under their pillows. Are you doing the same thing again?"

I reluctantly walk over to my parents bed and sit at the end. "Well yes...... but if I try to wake them up myself I will just end up getting crushed to death. How about I set them up so they can't reach them. Deal?"

My dad hands me his phone and my mother's since she seem to be off in her own little world of the news "Okay but if they end up broke you have to pay for them to get repaired. Okay?"

I grab them from my dad's hands and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Love you dad! Thank you your saving me from a most certain death!" I quickly leave their room and head towards my brother's rooms.

Before I enter Nathans room I set a never ending rooster alarm to go off in five minutes on both phones. I open the door silently and sneak in. Instantly I smell the rotten telltale sign of a teen boys room.

I set the alarm by the window and quickly, but silently open the door to the shared bathroom. I shut it quietly and go into Damion's room and do the same.

I head down to the kitchen and wait.

A few minutes later I hear the sound of roosters going off. I patiently wait for them to wake up to it since they are heavy sleepers. Finally about five minutes later I hear stomping and then both alarms go off. All is quiet then I hear frustrated yelling when it starts to go off again.

Did I mention that all of my brother's rooms are near each other so they all are probably awake by now hopefully?

I hear the the sound of doors opening and then stomping down the stairs. Nathan walks in with a stressed out look on his face and then came the beast.... Damion. Not to mention the writing on his face he looked livid. Must be because he stayed out so late last night. "Did you have to wake us up this early? I mean come on what did we do to deserve this? I mean I have to say I have done some pretty shitty stuff to you but didn't you get back at me for it all on my forehead?" Damion asks angrily


He sits down at the bar stool and says "You know what don't answer that I am just being a crank ass. What is it you need?"

"I actually wanted you guys to make me breakfast before I go to school for my tour."

Nathan starts to head towards the fridge and grabs eggs bacon and bread. "Couldn't of you just woke us up yourself?"

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