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Salina Blue

"Come of Salina! Just give me my phone back!" Nathan screams as he try's to find me in our hotel suite. It's one whole floor, he'll never find me. I know it.

I slowly unzip Lucas's suitcase to peak out. Yep just like I thought he didn't even think I would hide in the most obvious place. His twins suitcase. I hear footsteps I quickly zip up the bag. All of the sudden I feel something lifting the bag up then I'm thrown onto the bed. "Hurry up we don't want Lucas to catch us putting the stray cat in his bag. Hurry up Damian! this cat is literally killing my arms!" Corey says to my other Idiotic brother.

"Ok, Ok I'm trying to get this fucking bag open." he starts to pull the zipper but I hold it in place. "What the hell it won't open!"

"Here let a real man open a wimpy bag." I hear a shuffle then all of the sudden there is my fat ass brother on top of the bag. "Ommph" In my surprise I let go of the zipper. Shit.

Then I hear Corey say "Oh well hello Liney what are you doing.... Never mind I think I already know." I push my fat ass brother off the bed and try to find a new place to hide.

"How in the hell does she fit in there!? I wish I could do that. But sadly my ass fails me again!" Damian whines and all I can do is scoff.

"Good luck idiots. I need to get out of here." then I hear the worst sound of my life. My idiotic brother screaming out..."I FOUND YOU I FOUND YOU COME HERE BRAT!!" Nathan starts to chase me. I hope up onto the bed and rip the cat out of my dumbstruck brother and throw it at Nathan.

Lets just say that Nathan's face will never be the same again. "I WILL GET YOU SALINA!!" is all I hear after I slam the door and run to my room dropping the phone in my dads laptop case alone the way. I could still hear my brothers screams of pain. Serves him right!

I go into my private bathroom and lock the door on the way in. I run a bath and put bubbles in and climb in. Sweet relief. When you have been crammed into a small suitcase for about an hour, you need a bubble bath.

My name is Salina and this is just the usual craziness in the family.  You know with six brothers and all

Life can sometimes suck as the little sister of them all.

 When ever I even come close to getting a date they scare them off but I guess that is what you can expect for big brothers, I'm  kind of glad that  I have only four brothers living with me right now. It can sometimes get annoying. I'm glad we will be boarding the plane later tonight for Oregon 

 Its kind of nerve racking that we are moving to the coast of Oregon. Especially since I have lived in Montana all my life.  I just know that this move will change me in ways that even I don't expect.

That and I know that when we board the plane later that my brothers are going to cause me hell. I get out and start to get ready since being in the bath for two hours has made me a giant plum.

We have to get going and I plan on not getting caught leaving by my dear brother Nathan. So I better leave early. I quickly get dressed through all my crap into my bag and slowly open my bedroom door. I look both ways before I make my way down the never ending hallway.

My nerves rack me as I get the feeling that Nathan is going to jump out any minute. But to my surprise I make it to the door and shout " See you guys at the airport! Love you! Bye!" and I slam the door before they could get to me.

It takes lots of time through crazy traffic but I am finally here and waiting at the airport for my family. I plug in my earphones and wait.

An hour must have gone by because I wake up to my mother. "Come on Salina lets go we're going to miss our flight if you don't hurry up.

"Ok oh k its not my fault that you guys were late." I quickly grab my stuff and hurry after my mother. Who is literally running in heels. I don't know how she does it.

We quickly go through security and board the plane. I'm getting nervous because I am just hoping all four of my brothers  sit far away from me , because of the last fiasco. But I was getting kinda nervous because there was five plane seats and my seat was right in the middle . I fall back into my seat and plug my earphone into my ears. Then I felt but no I  hear my loud ass brothers take a seat by me.

And my worst nightmare happened.

They all sat here all of them

"Oh Salina I thought you wanted to sit with mom and dad?" asked Nathan with his face covered in bandages I knew I was in for the ride of my life.

"I thought I was to but I guess we don't all get what we want do we?"

"Complety true" Nathan laughed deviously as he sat down and patted my shoulder, like I was still a young girl learning new tricks.

I'll show them





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