The storm that's coming

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Its been pretty nice lately. We all are settling into school rather nicely and my parents are even more happier than they were before.

And the weird guy I ran into at the library we have began hanging out. We just kept seeing each other at the library and it went from there. He is really sweet. At first I thought he was a little crazy because of his brother Adriano but they actually lived in the house besides us. And we both didn't realized this until we ran into each other while I was on a run.

I don't think any of my brothers like Seth, it may have to do with the fact that they haven't met yet. It is mainly my fault since I don't want to push Seth away when I pretty much snatched a guy like him up. Having six brothers would probably freak any guy out.

"Helloo anybody in there" I look up quickly to see Corey looking down at me in interest. I just realized that I have been zoning out the last hour. "Are you okay"

"Yah I'm fine. Just thinkin you know" I look back down at my load of work and feel the load of the world on my shoulders. With mom and dad always being out now and days. I've been missing them. Then Seth had to go and leave for the week and tryouts for volleyball are coming up and I hope I make it on the team. Everything was perfect until it all started to crumble it felt like.

I look up to see Corey grabbing a bowl of pops cereal and plopping down next to me. "Well whatchya thinking about linney boo?" He starts squeezing my cheeks with a mouth full of cereal he gives me  a smooch on the cheek.

"Ewww! Seriously you got milk down my shirt dude!" my god he can be such a pig! I grab a paper towel and wipe up the mess.

My brother looks at me worriedly. I can tell he is actually being serious this time."No seriously sissy what's wrong"

"Its just with everything coming up I've been stressed. No problem I cant just deal with okay Corey." I get up and grab a glass of juice. Fruit punch the best.

"Is it that Seth dude that I must put out there. That none of us have met." I look at his eyes and can tell that he is hurt that I don't want him to meet Seth.

"Okay put yourself in my shoes Corey. You meet a girl your not dating YET and she asks you to come meet the family which she has SIX brothers. Wouldn't you feel a little put off. Its not that I don't want you guys to meet its just that we aren't dating yet and you guys can be intimidating a bit. " I grab his hand and pull him into a hug and kiss both of his hairy cheeks.

I know he's been having a hard time lately since his breakup. He was completely in love with her and she was cheating on him the whole  time.  I know I need to be easier on them they just want to help.

"I just don't want you to get hurt. And I never thought of it like that. Just be careful" He pulls away and walks out onto the deck.

It might be time for them to meet. I need to talk to Seth and see what he thought. I know we aren't together yet. Its just hard to have these feelings for someone I barely know. It feels like I'm tearing in two when he leaves. Like half of me isn't here. I miss the way he would look at me with adoration and how he would grab my hand and give me a kiss on the cheek before we both would go are separate ways. I miss him so much and it has only been two days since he left. At this pace this week is going to be miserable. 

I look out over the ocean and I know a storm is coming. The ways things are looking it might be one we cant get through. Its been difficult lately especially with the news that my father has given to us it seems like its just going to get even harder. It doesn't even seem like it could be real anymore. Especially since of her soul half Seth. She may not know it yet but things are only going to get harder. 


Thank you for reading! 

Hey guys please vote or comment and check out my new book called Zombies Death and Romance! 


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