Sun and Moon, Stars and Sky.

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            Of all the lonely lives, the sun and the moon led the loneliest.

            Their job was to encircle a planet that knew and cared little about them, but which could not survive in their absence. They could not even share their pity with each other, for they were only allowed to meet for brief moments each day.

            Long ago, the Sun and Moon decided that they needed friends.

            There were so many humans, after all; no one would notice if one or two went missing. An old one here, a young one there, and the sun and moon began their collection.

            They didn't mean to take so many, not at first. They thought one might even be enough.

            However, the sun and moon soon discovered that humans were vastly incapable of keeping them company. The souls, they thought, knew little and could hardly relate to such important beings as the two givers of light.

            The sun and moon were so bored of this easily-controlled life, this routine, these sheep-like human souls.

            The sun wept with the moon when she could, but they kept taking souls, in the hope that one would be different. And one day, they found the soul they had needed all along, though this soul was not really different at all.

            This soul was just one of the others, which was what made her so helpful.

            She taught them that they were not alone.

            The givers of light could easily talk to the human souls, for each soul considered himself as powerful, as important, as the light called the Sun and the friend called the Moon. The Sun and Moon found something in common with these tiny creatures; they each valued themselves above everything else in creation.

            The souls could have returned to their other lives at any moment; but they soon realized that the other world had nothing left for them. The Sun and Moon did not have to feel guilty for taking them now, since that other world had been ready to obliterate them.

            The sun and moon found their stars: the countless souls they'd taken in.

            And always with them, always supporting them, was the loyal sky, that soul who had taught the Sun and Moon.

            This is how the heavens came to be.

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