Did I like harry? of course I did. what is there not to like about him? I mean hes beautiful. hes perfect. I wonder how old he is.. if liams 19 then harry is probably the same. fuck. that's 5 years. well.. actually that's not that bad. should I tell liam? of course not.. but I tell liam everything. I don't really know how he would take it. would he hate me? all these thoughts rush though my head.
*2 hours later*
im starting to feel sick. like really sick. I feel like I have to throw up. I am going to throw up. I run down the hall and into the bathroom. I kneel down just in time to puke all over everything. I hear footprints coming up the stairs. liam comes running into the bathroom and is holding my hair back, and rubbing my back.
"are you okay? what happened?"
I stop puking and look up at liam. "I don't know. all of the sudden I felt sick. then I threw up. wheres harry?"
"harry is downstairs. do you feel comfterable staying here with him while I go to the store and get some medicine and stuff?" he asks me.
time with harry alone? yes please. "yeah." I say.
"okay ally, ill be home soon."
"bye liam"
"bye ally" liam says walking out the door and closing it.
I stand up and walk over to the sink and brush my teeth like crazy. trying to get the pukey taste out of my mouth. then I rinse with Listerine. now my breath is gonna smell really good and my mouth feels really clean. I walk out of the bathroom and back into my room and I lie down on my bed. im starting to feel better but not great. I hear a knock and the door begins to open.
sorry for the cliffhanger. anyways guess what? Im going to a meet and greet! im like so happy. when I found out I literally cried. I just have to get my tickets when they come out:)
don't forget to comment your feedback and vote:)
-Ally x

Age Is Just a number, Maturity is just a choice
FanficMarcel Styles. 17 year old nerd, trying to make it though highschool. marcel isn't as shy as he seems once you get to know Him, and you'll be suprised when you see what I mean.