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My gunshot had gone through my shoulder but the man had held the gun onto my skin and he pulled the trigger causing more damage. So now I find myself  in physical therapy for my arm. On breaks I picked up smoking, don't ask how a 16 year old is able to get cigarettes. I was just constantly stressed and sad I needed something to turn to.
When I got discharged about a month later and Jungkook a week after me.We moved back home and Jungkook wasn't able to attend school so while I was at school he was at home with Jin-hyung. One Saturday Jungkook was finally cleared to do normal activities. Behind our house there was a large body of water, a bay. I always found myself looking into that large body of water. "Hyung! Let's go see what's on the other side!" Jungkook was so eager to do things. "Jungkook, no." I didn't mean to sound mean I just wanted him to be safe. "Well we can't go around it!" He whined. I rolled my eyes "Kookie-ah we can't. There is no way to get over we don't have a boat or anything." I told him and it was almost like he was going to cry. "Kookie" I sighed and he just got up from the spot where he was sitting next to me on the couch and walked away not wanting to hear another word. I don't want to feel like the bad guy here but some things weren't meant to happen.
About two hours later I found Jin and myself rowing Kookie in a rowboat across the bay while he points around and looks over into the water. By the time we reached the other side Jungkook stuck to my side. "I thought you wanted to look around?" I asked as he squeezed my arm and Jin laughed at his sudden mood change. "Hyyyuunnggg it's scary and darkkkk" He whined again. "Gaja" Jin said while walking forward. I started to walk to but Kookie sure was strong, pulling me back he whined "Aniiiiii" "YA Kookie-ah ! you said you wanted to come so let's go!" I told him as he connected his head to my arm.
We walked for about a minute before seeing something. "Ya that's a house lets go inside!" Jungkook ran up to the door and before we could yell out for him he was at the door. "KOO-" the door opened as he reached the porch.
Jungkook P.O.V
I wanted to see what was in the house! So I ran up to it and the door opened! I accidently got scared and fell but that is alright because someone helped me up. "Hey! I know you!" I looked up "Hey! Its you!" I got up and hugged him "Taehyung!" "Jungkook!" I let go and watched my Hyungs walk over to me "Hyungs! It Tae!"
Tae didn't let us go inside his how because he said his dad would be mad. We played all afternoon and now I have a best friend ! He didn't say his last name but it's okay because we are very good friends. Jin hyung said Tae is an alien and I'm a bunny, I told him no but now he said I have to stay his bunny forever and ever. Jin hyung said he was tired and had school work to do so we had to go back. I said good bye and got back in the small boat.
Jin P.O.V
He wasn't right, he hasn't mentioned his last name from the two times I met him I saw the face on that boy he's hiding something. The more I look at him the more im starting to get suspicious. "Kookie-ah Lets go I have school work and im tired. He corporates gladly, but when we left and were going across the bay I looked back and wasn't sure what I saw.
Jimin P.O.V
At night I tried to go to bed but I felt as if someone was watching us earlier. I got up and went outside to smoke. "Hyung" I heard a high pitched shaky voice. I turned around hoping it wasn't another sibling, but to my luck it was only Jungkook. "What are you doing out so late?" "I had a nightmare hyung." I sighed. I took another puff then flicked the thing in the water. I turned back to Junkook and  heard a bubbling noise. When I looked back at the water nothing had changed but my cigarette​ was gone. Maybe something was In the water. I tilted my head not being able to hear any noise but the water. I heard Jungkook behind me "Jimin don't do that." I reached my hand out and touched the water. I wondered what it felt like to go in? "Jimin I wouldn't do that if I were youuuu" Jungkook said. Then a hand came out and grabbed my arm "JIMIN, JIMIN JIMIN" Jungkook kept screaming then I woke up. Chest moving at a fast pace, beads of sweat running down my forehead and franticly looking around.  "Jimineeee hyunggg" Jungkook whispered "Yes?" "I had a nightmare." I knew the drill "Okay kookie I'm going to shower then I'll come back." He nodded an climbed in my bed I checked under my mattress to look for my pack of cigarettes but when I reached them they were soaked. "Shit" I said under my breath "OOHH hyungggg you said a bad word! " I rolled my eyes "ya shut up or you're sleeping in your room tonight!" He giggled and got under the covers. I sighed starting to get irritated I grabbed my cigarettes and made sure to throw them in the trash outside. In the shower I felt good it was cold and I kept my eyes closed most of the time. I heard the drain bubble and water started to come out of the drain. I panicked and turned the water off . I need sleep. The water drained and I ended up falling asleep shortly after Jungkook. What's going on with my brain ?

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